SACC Benefits

Children choose activities based on their interest and skill level. Each program offers a variety of age-appropriate activities including art, craft, drama, science, indoor/outdoor games, homework opportunities and quiet time. These activities occur individually and in small or large group settings.

From year to year, we can follow each child’s progress, work closely with you and when needed work directly with classroom teachers. Staff form relationships with children, school staff, and families that develop memories that last a lifetime. Children can grow in this warm and caring environment. 

Thank you for choosing Red Rocks Community College School-Age Child Care as your provider. 

Guiding Philosophy

RRCC SACC program strives to create a strong personal foundation that will encourage each child to develop into a healthy, happy, responsible adult who will be an asset to our future society.

To foster this goal, RRCC SACC offers an environment that promotes high self-esteem through the learning of self-discipline, decision-making, communication, personal care skills and positive conflict management.

Regardless of physical setting or personnel there remains a consistency in behavioral expectations, which allows for an emotionally and physically safe experience. Our developmentally appropriate activities include opportunities to learn positive social skills, build friendships and express feelings.

This balanced curriculum teaches each child to be curious enough to make choices, mistakes and grow to his/her maximum potential. This program is designed to promote a fun, carefree, meaningful childhood experience through the mastery of skills and personal success.

State Licensing

RRCC SACC programs are licensed by the Colorado Department of Human Services. We are bound by its rules and regulations. For further information regarding policies, you can call (303) 866-6958, or check the Human Services Manual located at the family center. Licensing requires a 15:1 child:adult ratio. 

RRCC SACC strives to maintain a 12:1 ratio. Our programs are inspected by the Colorado Department of Human Services, Department of Health and the local fire department. 

All staff are required to be cleared by the Colorado Central Registry. This registry has information concerning anyone who has been convicted of child abuse. Each staff member is also fingerprinted and cleared through CBI for felony charges.

All policies and procedures are designed for your child’s safety.

Make a Payment

You can pay using our online CASHNET payment services with your Visa or Master Card. Online payment is a free service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

kids with rain boots
Statement Questions

For questions about your statement or how to pay online feel free to contact the accounting department with any questions

little girl science
Site Locations

Families are always welcome to come and observe or participate in the programs at anytime. For more information and site locations.

kids with rain boots
Registration & Forms

Information for CCAP Families, Contract Changes, Full Day/School Break Requests, Drop In Requests and Immunization Information.

School Age Childcare Additional Information

Please reference the list below for each of our affiliated schools’ provider names, provider ID’s, and which affiliated CCAP counties we currently have fiscal agreements with. This information is required for applying for CCAP if you haven’t done so already.

School Name: Betty Adams Elementary
Provider ID: 67792
Affiliated CCAP Counties : Jefferson; Adams

School Name: Bear Creek K-8 
Provider ID: 1535158 
Affiliated CCAP Counties : Jefferson; Denver

School Name: Hackberry Hill Elementary 
Provider ID: 1504731 
Affiliated CCAP Counties: Jefferson; Adams

School Name: Kendallvue Elementary 
Provider ID: 47974 
Affiliated CCAP Counties: Jefferson; Denver

School Name: Kendrick Lakes Elementary 
Provider ID: 1528479 
Affiliated CCAP Counties: Jefferson; Denver

School Name: Maple Grove Elementary 
Provider ID: 11986 
Affiliated CCAP Counties: Jefferson

School Name: Mitchell Elementary 
Provider ID: 67794 
Affiliated CCAP Counties: Jefferson

School Name: Semper Elementary 
Provider ID: 11987 
Affiliated CCAP Counties: Jefferson; Adams

How to apply:

To apply for CCAP or see if you qualify for Child Care Assistance Program you can go online at

You can apply for CCCAP online, by mail (apply for CCCAP in Spanish) or by contacting your county's department of human/social services. If you are using the paper application, you must submit it to your county department of human/social services in person or by mail.

To apply for CCAP or see if you qualify for Child Care Assistance Program you can go online at:

On the right-hand side there is a link "Apply for Child Care Assistance (CCAP)" select that tab. Select "Apply Online" to begin the application and see if you are qualified.

For detailed information about the determination and/or application of CCAP you can contact the following Department of Human Services:

Adams County (303) 287-8831
Jefferson County (303) 271-1388

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program Rules


Parents must check in/out using the CCAP online system on a daily basis. Failure to do so may result in responsibility of childcare payment and/or termination of care. All parent fees are due on the first of each month. If payment is not received your child(ren) may be suspended from care and your caseworker will be notified. 

If there is an error with your case and/or authorization, it is the parent/guardian's sole responsibility to notify their case worker within 24 hours.

Several Employment Opportunities are currently available at Red Rocks Community College SACC!

Red Rocks Community College School Age Child Care (RRCC SACC) is looking for energetic, intelligent, fun, and responsible individuals to work with children 5-13 years of age at area elementary schools. We have multiple locations including Arvada, Westminster, Golden and Lakewood!  Apply now!!! Positions are year round unless noted. 

The positions depend on verifiable experience, certificates, training and education.

The range for salary is $16.40 - $18.25/hr. Below is a basic matrix to determine where you may fit. RRCC SACC determines rate of pay based on position ranking.

GL 1: 
1st Aid, CPR, Standard Precautions
Required Trainings
50 hrs. Experience

GL 2: 
455 hrs. Experience
Supervise group of children without direct supervision
Willing to sub

1650+ verifiable hrs
60+ College Credits
Site Manager Training
Morning & Afternoons Availability

All applicants must submit a completed application:

Welcome Parents!

Our Family Handbook is below. We hope you’ll review it from time-to-time so that you understand our policies and procedures.

We thank you for being a part of the RRCC SACC family. It is our goal to provide the utmost quality care for your children. We hope this information is helpful to you and that you will refer to it often.

SACC Family Handbook (.pdf version)
SACC Family Handbook (.docx version)

If you do not have the free Adobe Reader program, you may download Adobe Reader here

Family Feedback/Surveys

Your feedback is important to us! Completing this survey will help us to better meet your childcare needs.

RRCC School Age Child Care Family Survey

How Sick is Too Sick? - Illness Policy 
Coronavirus  FAQ
Mumps Alert Letter


If your child needs medication while in our care, please use these forms accordingly. Medication can only be administered to a child with a written consent from the parent or guardian, and their doctor. All medication should be in their original packaging. *

* Please submit a Medication Administration Form for cough drops, cough medicine or any over the counter or prescription medication.

Nurse Bio

Bryan C. Maki, RN CCHC

  • We provide online, virtual, and in person medical training for licensed childcare programs and businesses along the front range of Colorado. Our owner Bryan Maki, RN is a Pediatric ICU Nurse, Emergency Room Nurse, and a former Clinical Consultant for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries. He is now using his skills to provide CPR classes and Child Care Nurse Consulting.
  • We are passionate about keeping children healthy and safe.
  • We are the preferred company for many Colorado Child Care Associations, Early Childhood Education Councils, and School Districts. Our Child Care Health Consultants are approved by Healthy Child Care Colorado.

Registered Nurse License
CCHC Certificate
Immunization Certificate
Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Certificate

Bryan C. Maki, RN, CCHC
Owner - Nurse Consultant
Approved Vendor for CDEC
Office 720-605-0605
Text 720-295-8650


Accounting Department

Ben Salazar 303.914.6506
Accounting Technician  III

RRCC SACC 2024-2025 School Year Rates

Registration Fee (non-refundable):

  • 2024-2025 School Year: $60.00 for one child / $95.00 per family

Contract Change Fee (non-refundable):

  • $15.00 per child / FREE for the first contract change of the school year

 Daily Option Rates:

  • AM Only: $10.60 (Adams, Hackberry Hill, Kendrick Lakes, Maple Grove, Semper, Stevens, Kendallvue)
  • $18.20 (Mitchell, Bear Creek)
  • PM Only: $24.60 (Adams, Hackberry Hill, Kendrick Lakes, Maple Grove, Semper, Stevens, Kendallvue)
  • $18.20 (Mitchell, Bear Creek)
  • AM & PM: $28.30
  • Variable Option Rates: $2.00 additional per session

Modified Contact Day Rates:

  • Full Day: $46.50
  • Full Day with Field Trip: $53.50
  • Early Release Day: $33.50

Drop-In Rates: additional $5.00 per session

School Year Discounts:

  • Family Discount: 10% off tuition for the oldest child only
  • Red Rocks Community College Employees: 10% off tuition
  • Active Military, 1st Responder, Education Discount*: 10% off tuition (must provide official proof of active military or current employment status to
    * Please note education discount applies only to Jefferson County School District employees
  • Free/Reduced Lunch Discount: 20% off tuition excluding drop in care (must provide 23-24 status notification letter from Jeffco to
  • We accept families in the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) at all schools except Maple Grove and Mitchell.

Only one discount will be provided per active account.  Multiple discounts cannot be combined on one account.  Discounts are provided at the discretion of RRCC SACC.  Accounts that receive a late payment fee will no longer be eligible for discounts and any active discounts will be removed.

Additional Fees:

  • Late Payment Fee: $40.00 (Payment due the 1st of every month. The late fee can be applied any time after the 1st.)
  • Reactivation Fee: $40.00 (if care is terminated)
  • SACC Staff Professional Development Fees: $33.00 per family charged during the fall and $33.00 per family charged during the spring.
  • Lunch: $12.00 (if forgotten on a full day)
  • Late Pick-Up fee: $2.00 per minute after 6:00PM
  • Records Request: $2.00 per page (include duplicate statements, contracts, sign in/out sheets)

Concerns / Fee Appeals

Feel free to contact the Accounting Department with your account concerns. We will be happy to address any questions you may have. If you wish to appeal any of the fees on your account please submit your concerns in writing to Your appeal will be submitted to the committee and reviewed within 5 business days.

Administrative Survey

Please help us improve our customer service by submitting your thoughts on our registration, accounting and payment processes through the below survey. Your feedback is appreciated!

RRCC School Age Child Care Administrative Survey

Please refer to the SACC Policies and Procedures (General Copy of Registration/Contract) to assist you with any clarification of RRCC SACC policies. The most up-to-date version can be found on our Registration/Forms page.

Red Rocks Community College School Age Child Care is regulated by the rules and regulations put forth by the Colorado office of Early Childhood and Learning. Our licensed programs follow and comply with all rules and regulations as stated in the regulations below unless the program has been granted an exception or appeal for the program. All Reports of Inspection (ROI)'s can be found on site at our programs.

You may find additional information regarding licensing at Colorado Department of Early Childhood

1098-T INFO: If you are an RRCC student looking for your 1098-T, please contact the Cashier's Office at

SACC Statements

Monthly statements are sent out as PDF attachments from, please make sure that our email is on your list of safe-senders to ensure you receive all statements. If you do not have the free Adobe Reader program, you may download it here.

To calculate your bill: daily rate (x) # of days attending in the month = amount due. 

Please remember your statement is not a bill, additional account activity may show up on the next statement.

Tax Information

All of our yearly tax statements have your total amount in payments made for the year. This is located at the bottom of the statement along with our tax ID number which can be used for tax purposes. If you would like a more detailed line by line statement for all the months in the year, please email If you would like it mailed to you; we do have a records request fee according our child care contracts.

If you would like to make a records request please do so by emailing

Records Request: $2.00 (per page)  - RRCC SACC office staff understand the need for additional records, and will gladly assist families in those cases upon receiving a written request and a grace period of 5 working days. Requests will be processed and mailed.

Summer Camp Drop-In Request Form: Please click HERE


May 29th, 2025 – August 13th, 2025

Mitchell - Field Trip Calendar Summer 2025
Kendallvue - Field Trip Calendar Summer 2025
Adams - Field Trip Calendar Summer 2025

  • Adams Elementary: (for 1st grade through 12 years old)
  • Kendallvue Elementary: (for 1st grade through 12 years old)
  • Mitchell Elementary: (for 1st grade through 12 years old)

2025 Summer Registration Fee (Excludes CCAP Approved Families)

  • $70.00 per child*

*Note the registration fee includes the cost of receiving a Summer Camp t-shirt, water bottle, and drawstring bag

2025 Summer Equipment Fee (Includes CCAP Approved Families)

  • $30.00* per child

*Note the equipment fee includes the cost of receiving a Summer Camp t-shirt, water bottle, and drawstring gym bag

2025 Summer Rates:

  • Full Day (Non-Field Trip Day): $52.00 – Typically Tuesday & Thursday
  • Full Day (With Field Trip): $58.00 – Typically Monday, Wednesday & Friday

2025 Summer Drop-In Rates:


February 20th, 2025: Registration for current RRCC SACC families opens at 7:00 am

February 27th, 2025: Registration will open for community enrollment

*Please note that enrollment availability is strictly on a first come, first served basis.

To request an email notification when registration becomes available, please email and specify which school's email list you would like to be added to. You will then receive registration information when it becomes available.


*Contract change requests: Please email with the requested change(s) in schedule*
*Contract change requests will ONLY be accepted May 1st, 2025 through July 15th, 2025*
*Please note: There is a $15.00 processing fee PER CHILD for contract change requests*

  • All regular tuition payment is due the 1st of each month.
  • Please update your email and contact information by sending us an email to  
Parent Immunization Letter for Child Care Facilities and Preschools

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is required by Senate Bill 10-056 to create a parent letter to notify parents of students enrolled of the necessary immunizations needed for school. The letter is being translated into multiple languages and is posted on the School Immunization page

Upcoming Modified Contact Days - Please check your individual site page for days when we will be providing early release, full day or school break care.

Our Team

Sarah Espinoza

Program Director - School Age Child Care

Arielle Fry

South Program Manager - School Age Child Care

Simon Gillis

Administrative Specialist III - School Age Child Care

Kayla Gusman

Site Manager I-II

Allie Jones

North/West Program Manager - School Age Child Care

Ben Salazar

Account Technician III

South Schools:

  • Bear Creek K-8
  • Kendallvue
  • Kendrick Lakes
  • Stevens

North/West Schools:

  • Adams
  • Hackberry Hill
  • Maple Grove
  • Mitchell
  • Semper