If you would like to connect with our office, please visit Suite 1182 at the Lakewood Campus or contact 303-914-6733 or access@rrcc.edu.
Students who are new to our office should complete the Accommodations Process in the "Accommodations for Students" section below. If you suspect you have a disability or have never been formally diagnosed with a disability, we invite you to connect with us for more information.
Accommodations Process
Students who have not worked with our office before must complete the steps below:
- Submit the Student Information Form
- Submit the Rights & Responsibilities Form
- Send any disability information that includes your disability/diagnosis and recommendations for accommodations (i.e., Individualized Education Plan, 504 Plan, letter from a provider, Disability Information Form, etc.) to access@rrcc.edu.
- Schedule an initial meeting (in-person, Zoom, or phone) to discuss accommodations. To schedule, visit our office or contact 303-914-6733 or access@rrcc.edu. Appointments can be made at the Arvada Campus by request.
Please reference the guide below if you need more information about the transition to college from high school for students with disabilities.
Semester Process
Students requesting their approved accommodations must complete a Semester Request Form for every semester they are enrolled in order to receive an Accommodations Letter. If you need assistance filling out this form, please visit the office, email access@rrcc.edu, or call 303-914-6733 or 720-336-3893 (VP).
How do accommodations for testing work?
- Instructors: Submit the Accommodated Testing Form online, or email/deliver the PDF version of the Accommodated Testing Form and test materials to Accessibility Services for processing at least 24 hours in advance.
- Students: If you choose to take a proctored test/quiz outside of class, please schedule a test appointment in your approved testing location as stated in your Accommodations Letter. Make sure to notify your instructor of your testing appointment.
- Testing at the Assessment Center (distractions-reduced testing area): Contact 303-914-6727 or assessment.center@rrcc.edu to schedule
- Testing in Accessibility Services: Contact 303-914-6733 or access@rrcc.edu to schedule
What other supports does Accessibility Services provide?
- Regular check-ins with a staff member
- Strategies for time management, note-taking, and studying
- Training in assistive technology
- Referrals to other on-campus resources
Book Requests
The alternate format process generally takes 1 to 3 weeks from the date the request is received. Please request your books 2 to 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the new semester or as soon as you have registered for classes.
Requirements for requesting a book:
- Students must be approved for Materials in Alternate Format.
- A Semester Request Form should be submitted with “Are you requesting books/media in alternate format?” marked Yes.
- A book agreement form must be signed every semester.
- Students must own a copy of the textbook (proof of purchase is required).
Textbook Information
For any information you may need about your textbooks, please visit the bookstore textbook finder and/or consult your course syllabi.
The A.T. Lab
If you need assistive software to complete your assignments, the A.T. Lab might be the place for you! If you are a student registered with Accessibility Services, you may be eligible to check out a digital recorder or a Livescribe Smartpen. Students are encouraged and invited to use the Assistive Technology Lab to complete assignments and utilize the various assistive technologies detailed below.
Training in assistive technology is available to students, staff, and instructors. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact 303-914-6733 or access@rrcc.edu.
Dictation/Speech-To-Text Programs:
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Dragon is a powerful Speech-to-Text program that allows you to talk into a microphone and the words you speak appear in your document. Students can dictate, edit, and command the computer by voice. Dragon is only available in the A.T. Lab at this current time.
Google Voice Typing
Google Voice Typing is a free alternative to Dragon Naturally Speaking. To access Google Voice Typing, you must have a Google Account, which is free to create. Go into the Tools menu in Google Docs and select Voice Typing. Click on the microphone that pops up and start speaking. Your text will be entered into the typing field.
Note-taking Support:
Livescribe Smartpens
Livescribe Smartpens are a great note-taking tool that combines written notes and recorded audio. The Smartpen allows you to listen to recorded class lectures by simply tapping the tip of the Smartpen on your written notes. You can also upload your notes to your computer for playback and search for content. Livescribe Smartpens are available for check out for students registered and approved with Accessibility Services.
Digital Recorders
Digital recorders are available for check out for students registered and approved with Accessibility Services for recording classroom lectures.
Reading and Literacy/Text to Speech:
Kurzweil 3000
Kurzweil is a Text-to-Speech program that provides students with reading, writing, and comprehension support. Students can open books in alternate format and use Kurzweil to read the text aloud. Other features include the ability to enlarge font, making it easier for students who are visually impaired to see what is on the screen. Kurzweil also includes writing tools to help with brainstorming, creating "thought bubbles," and creating outlines used for writing reports and essays. Kurzweil 3000 is available as both a desktop and cloud-based program. Kurzweil 3000 is free to use by any student on campus and can be installed on a laptop or home computer.
Read Aloud Chrome Extension
Read Aloud is a free Chrome extension that can be downloaded by opening up Google and searching Read Aloud extension. The extension reads highlighted and selected text on the web and users can control the speed and voice narration.
Text to Speech
Text to Speech is free web tool where users can copy and paste text from anywhere to have text read out loud. Please note that there is a 4000-character limit. Text can be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Built-In Accessibility:
Personalize your windows computer with any of the built-in accessibility features to support ease with seeing, hearing, and mobility interactions with your computer. Available features include Screen Reader/Text-to-Speech (Narrator), Magnification (Magnifier), Speech-to-Text and Voice Control (Speech Recognition), on screen keyboard, high contrast schemes, and the ability to personalize the appearance of your computer including text.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
DVR provides individualized services for people with disabilities to achieve their employment goals. This includes looking for jobs, training for a new career, or getting support with a current job. To learn more about DVR’s services, visit the Colorado DVR website or complete the DVR Online Request for Services.
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)
Every year, Accessibility Services partners with Instructional Technology to host a Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) event to celebrate and spread awareness of digital access and inclusion. Please visit the GAAD website to learn more.
Jefferson Center for Mental Health (JCMH)
JCMH’s Navigation Services team provides information, assessment, and referrals to resources at Jefferson Center and in the community. Their Community Resource List has resources for ADHD, autism, developmental disabilities, and learning disabilities as well as resources for education, employment, food/clothing, housing, and support groups.
Rocky Mountain ADA Center
The Rocky Mountain ADA Center provides training, research, and resources regarding the ADA and serving people with disabilities. Free courses and further information can be found on the Rocky Mountain ADA Center website.
Rocky Mountain Deaf School (RMDS) ASL Classes
RMDS provides virtual and in-person community classes for American Sign Language every Fall and Spring semester. For class fees, times, and other information, visit the RMDS ASL website or email aslclass@rmds.co.
School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP)
SWAP (through Jeffco Public Schools Transition Services) provides opportunities for young adults to practice and improve workplace skills, consider their career interests and obtain real-world work experience. For program requirements and more information, please visit the Jeffco Public Schools website for SWAP.
Faculty Handbook
Faculty/Instructor Handbook (PDF), or you can email access@rrcc.edu for a copy.
Accommodated Testing
Please send Accommodated Testing Forms by either:
- Submitting the Accommodated Testing Form Stack online
- Emailing or dropping off the Accommodated Testing Form and test materials to Accessibility Services (access@rrcc.edu or Suite 1182 at the Lakewood Campus)
Note: For tests at the Arvada Campus, Accommodated Testing Forms and test materials can be sent to assessment.center@rrcc.edu or dropped off at the Arvada Assessment Center (Room 7117 at the Arvada Campus).
For detailed information about Accommodated Testing, please review the Accommodated Testing Instructions (PDF)
Accommodation Guides
Some accommodations in a student's Accommodations Letter require further steps or discussion. These include Extended Deadlines, Flexible Attendance, Use of a Basic Four-Function Calculator (during exams), and Use of Memory Aids (during exams). Please refer to the Accommodation Guides included at the end of students’ Accommodations Letters or email access@rrcc.edu for more information.
Information about Disabilities
Impact of Specific Disabilities:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Information:
Requesting ASL Interpreters or Real-Time Transcription (Captioning) for Appointments, Meetings or Events
- To request accommodations for any campus event, meeting or appointment, email the Interpreter Coordinator at stacy.roe@rrcc.edu at least one week prior to the event. Be sure to include your name, your S number, name of the event, date and time of event, duration of event, location, and any other pertinent information. Every attempt will be made for short notice requests.
If you have any questions, contact the Interpreter Coordinator at stacy.roe@rrcc.edu, 303-914-6732 (V) or 720-336-3893 (VP).
Resources for Instruction
For more information, please visit Instructional Technology at RRCC. The Instructional Technology department features resources for Universal Design for Learning (UDL), course accessibility, and accessibility guidelines for materials in D2L, Word, PowerPoint, and Adobe.
Other Resources
Syllabus Statement
- Syllabus Statement (PDF)
Event Accessibility (ADAAA) Statement for Campus Events
In order to ensure the accessibility of all campus sponsored events, include an ADAAA statement on all event advertisements, announcements, emails, and flyers.
- Event Accessibility Statement for Campus Events (link coming soon)
Service Animals
- Rocky Mountain ADA - Service Animals
- 2016 Colorado Revised Statutes - Rights of individuals with service animals
- ADA Service Animals (Main Website)
Equally Equitable Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP)
This form is for products, services, and instructional materials that do not meet WCAG 2.0 AA. The forms submitted are sent to the Web Accessibility Committee for review.
- Equally Equitable Alternate Access Plan (FormStack)
Captioned Course Media Requests
In an effort to provide equal access to course media and content, please select movies and videos that contain Closed Captions.
Semester Request Form (SRF)
Students requesting their approved accommodations must complete a Semester Request Form (SRF) for every semester they are enrolled in order to be sent an Accommodations Letter. SRFs can be completed at any point in the semester.
Please note that accommodations are not retroactive. Your accommodations will take effect immediately after your Accommodations Letter is issued.
Initial Meeting Forms
The Disability Information Form is to be filled out by a licensed professional who diagnosed or is treating the student. If you already have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, letter from a provider, or other documentation and feel that your accommodations can be determined from this information, you do not need a Disability Information Form.
Accommodated Testing
Sign Language Interpreting or Real-Time Transcription (Captioning)
For class accommodations, submit your Semester Request Form at least three weeks prior to the first day of class. Make sure to mark Yes for “Are you approved for ASL interpreting and/or real-time transcription (captioning)?” on the form.
Requesting ASL Interpreters or Real-Time Transcription (Captioning) for Appointments, Meetings or Events
To request accommodations for any campus event, meeting or appointment, email the Interpreter Coordinator at stacy.roe@rrcc.edu at least one week prior to the event. Be sure to include your name, your S number, name of the event, date and time of event, duration of event, location, and any other pertinent information. Every attempt will be made for short notice requests.
If you have any questions, contact the Interpreter Coordinator at stacy.roe@rrcc.edu, 303-914-6732 (V) or 720-336-3893 (VP).
Disability Parking Permit Application
Temporary Disability Parking Permit Applications are available through the Red Rocks Campus Police Department under “Department Forms”. If you have a valid State-issued disability placard, you do not need to apply for a Red Rocks placard.
Requesting ASL Interpreters or Real-Time Transcription (Captioning)
Students must be approved for the accommodation during the initial meeting and accommodations process.
New students can make an appointment for an initial meeting by emailing access@rrcc.edu or by calling 303-914-6733 (V) or 720-336-3893 (VP). Request an ASL interpreter when you schedule the appointment.
Accessibility Services is located in Suite 1182 on the Lakewood Campus. Appointments can be arranged at the Arvada campus if requested.
Request ASL Interpreters or Real-Time Transcription (Captioning) for Classes
Class requests for ASL interpreters or real-time transcription should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the first day of class by submitting a Semester Request Form.
Requesting ASL Interpreters or Real-Time Transcription (Captioning) for Appointments, Meetings or Events
To request accommodations for any campus event, meeting or appointment, email the Interpreter Coordinator at stacy.roe@rrcc.edu at least one week prior to the event. Be sure to include your name, your S number, name of the event, date and time of event, duration of event, location, and any other pertinent information. Every attempt will be made for short notice requests.
If you have any questions, contact the Interpreter Coordinator at stacy.roe@rrcc.edu, 303-914-6732 (V) or 720-336-3893 (VP).