We hold ourselves to the highest standard of ethics and integrity. We will treat everyone with the utmost dignity and respect, while providing a safe environment that is equitable for our diverse community.
Red Rocks Community College Campus Police is here to serve everyone in our college community. We are well aware and very upset at the indefensible use of force by police. Incidents involving unjustified and excessive force by police are abhorrent and objectionable to us, and I want to ensure everyone that this is not who we are.
The RRCC Campus Police values every member of our college community. We hold ourselves to the highest standard of ethics and integrity. We will treat everyone with the utmost dignity and respect, while providing a safe environment that is equitable for our diverse community.
The RRCC Campus Police Department supports and embraces recent laws involving police accountability passed by the Colorado legislature in July 2020 (Police Accountability Bill SB 20-217).
Although not required for a Campus Police force, we are committed to incorporating body worn cameras and are in the process of acquiring them. These cameras will reinforce our deep commitment of accountability and transparency to our campus constituents and will help to instill the continued confidence in our department and our peace officers.
Our department takes great pride in being responsive to our community’s needs and will continue to provide professional service of the utmost integrity in the most conscientious manner.
I believe that our campus police success has always come from the great relationships we have worked hard to nurture with our community through listening and interacting on a daily basis. As a way of helping to accomplish this, we will provide open forums for students, faculty, and staff both live and via web-based formats, as conditions allow. We are committed to working with our community openly and without reservation so that concerns can be voiced, and solutions realized.
Red Rocks Community College Campus Police Department was established in 1986 with only one Chief of Police and one Officer. Today the Red Rocks Campus Police Department currently has a Chief, a Sergeant, a Police Services Manager, five full-time officers, and three full-time dispatchers.
RRPD is a full service Police Department and is responsible for providing law enforcement services and ensuring public safety throughout both the Lakewood Campus and Arvada Campus. We take great pride in ensuring that all students, staff, faculty, and visitors have a safe and secure campus, free of crime and safety hazards.
Our department strives to build strong and effective community partnerships. These relationships allow us to work together to reduce crime and enhance the quality of life and education for those who attend or visit Red Rocks.
- Enforce State and local criminal statutes
- Crime prevention
- Traffic enforcement
- Criminal Investigations (misdemeanor and felony)
- Civil disputes
- Medical emergencies
- Parking enforcement
- Foot patrol
- Community Policing
- Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
- Critical incidents
- Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
- Assists to other agencies
- Safety
- Communications
- Customer Service
- Accountability
- Quality of Life
Principles that define our behavior and beliefs form the Department’s culture:
- Provide a safe environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
- Use of open communications to facilitate coordination and understanding of our public safety mission / vision.
- Emphasize customer service by providing an environment for solving public safety issues.
- Accountable for our response to public safety issues.
- Enhance the quality of life within our community through responses to events or issues.
Our dedication and commitment to excellence in public safety creates a safe learning environment.
The Red Rocks Community College Campus Police Department will provide a safe and secure campus free of crime and safety hazards.
To request keys, please fill out the following form and submit it to Greg Berry, Maintenance Supervisor. He will in turn give the request to Bob Lyon.
Download a printable Key Request form: PDF
Please call and advise of key pickup:
Rob Lyon - Key Requestor
Phone: 303-914-6116
Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Pick up days will be as follows:
Monday: 12:30 to 1:00 pm and 3:30 to 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 12:30 to 1:00 pm and 3:30 to 4:00 pm
Friday: 11:00 to 11:30 am
Bob Lyon's office hours are:
Emergency key requests (broken keys,etc.) will be filled by Jack Henderson when Bob Lyon is on vacation or away.
When key requests have been filled but not picked up within a 2 week period Bob Lyon will be making follow up phone calls to the requestor.
If you have any further questions, please contact Greg Berry 303.914.6296.
RRPD provides opportunities involving education, experience, and training for entry level Police Officers as well as lateral transfers. Some of the advanced opportunities include but are not limited to: Taser Instructor, Firearms Instructor, DT (Defensive Tactics) Instructor, RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) Instructor, Less Lethal Instructor, CIT (Crisis Intervention Team), and FTO (Field Training Officer). In addition, there are endless training opportunities to improve your skills. If you are an officer hungry for education, Red Rocks Comm. College offers tuition assistance for those seeking a degree.
Police applicants must be Colorado P.O.S.T. certified, pass a Police interview panel, psychological and polygraph test, and a background investigation. The preferred applicant has just graduated from a local Police Academy and possesses strong communication skills or is seeking a lateral position. In addition, the applicant should be ambitious and eager to offer dedication and excellence to the RRPD and the community.
RRPD has a full service dispatch center consisting of 3 full-time dispatchers. RRPD dispatchers are responsible for answering all emergency and non-emergency lines, monitoring Police radio traffic, updating and relaying information from computer aided dispatch, lost and found, records management, and surveillance monitoring.
The Police Department also employs student hourly workers as Security Officers to assist our Police Officers for weekend coverage.
Our police department offers a variety of services to the college community. Below is a complete list of services that are offered:
Police Services
- Motor vehicle assistance
- Lost and found - For Lost & Found Policies and Procedures, click here.
- Vehicle/classroom escorts
- Unlocks and locking
- Ride-a-longs
- Community service
Services with Fees
Fingerprinting Services - Updated Information
Starting Wednesday October 31st, 2018 we will no longer be providing fingerprint services and the Colorado Bureau of Investigations will no longer be accepting ink and paper fingerprint cards. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation's has implemented a new program called CABS (Colorado Applicant Background Services) that requires all agencies providing fingerprinting services to use digital fingerprinting equipment.
Click here to access the link to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations CABS information page. On this webpage you will find information about the CABS program, cost for fingerprints, as well as how to schedule an appointment , and where to find fingerprinting service locations.
In the future we may be providing fingerprinting services but at this time we will not. Please continue to check our website for updated information.
Your role is to be aware of your surroundings and protect yourself during a crisis.
Red Rocks Community College has forty-seven entrances/exits. You have egress points which allow travel towards safety.
One of the first steps to protecting yourself is notification to a public safety agency through 911. On campus, we have four emergency phones which will connect you directly to the Campus Police dispatch office. Two are located on the first floor, and two are on the second floor.
Situation Guidance
When the Fire Alarm is activated, treat it as a valid fire alert. You must exit the building. Remain outside until notified by an administrator, maintenance member, or campus police personnel. The fire department will arrive, silent the alarm, and give the “OK” to re-enter the building. The fire department will drive down the main walkway to the front entrance to the college ~ please keep this area clear.
In a medical emergency, call 911 from any emergency phone or dial 303.914.6411(Campus Police 911) from an office or cell phone. Stay on the telephone line, respond to the questions by the emergency dispatcher and provide the following: i.e. age and sex of victim, medical issue, location of victim. Do not hang-up the phone until a Campus Police/Security officer arrives. Notify the dispatcher when the police/security officer has arrived and then hang-up the phone.
Workplace Violence:
In an instance of workplace violence, first, protect yourself and then call 911. Protection can be to hide, exit the building or lock the door.
Print Individual Crisis Planning/Situation Guidance instructions
Remember, together we can make this a safe educational and working environment!
Active Shooter Protocol
Please watch with caution. The videos are realistic and are an enactment of an active shooter incident. Viewers may find the content upsetting.
RUN: Evacuate the Building if Possible
- If it is safe and there is enough distance between you and the gunfire or armed person move in the direction away from the gunfire ot armed person. Move as far away from the building as possible until you are in a secure and safe place.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Keep your empty hands visible to law enforcement.
- Take others with you, but do not stay behind because others will not go.
- Call 911 when it is safe to do so. Do not assume that someone else has reported the incident. The information that you are able to provide law enforcement may be critical, e.g. number of shooters, physical description and identification, number and type(s) of weapons, and location of the shooter.
HIDE: Hide silently in a safe place
- If you are unable to leave the building because the shooter is close, find an area to hide that is out of view of the armed person.
- Choose a hiding place with thicker walls, fewer windows, and a door that locks if possible.
- Once inside, lock doors and windows and barricade the door with furniture, if possible.
- Turn off lights
- Silence phones and turn off other electronics.
- Do not open the door for ANYONE!
- If you are outdoors and cannot RUN safely, find a place to hide that will provide protection from gunfire such as a brick wall, large trees or buildings.
- Remain in place until you receive an “all clear” signal from AppArmor or for an Officer to come to your location and release you.
FIGHT: Take action against the shooter
- As a last resort, fight. If you cannot evacuate or hide safely and only when your life is in imminent danger, take action.
- Attempt to incapacitate or disrupt the actions of the shooter.
- Act with physical aggression toward the shooter.
- Use items in your area such as fire extinguishers, chairs, books, or other heavy objects.
- Throw items at the shooter if possible.
- Call 911 when it is safe to do so.
Immediately after an incident:
- Wait for Local Law Enforcement officers to assist you out of the building, if inside.
- When law enforcement arrives, students and employees must display empty hands with open palms.
- Gunfire may sound artificial. Assume that any popping sound is gunfire.
- If there are two or more persons in the same place when a violent incident begins, you should spread out in the room to avoid offering the aggressor an easy target.
- Be mindful that violent attacks can involve any type of weapon, not just a gun. Knives, blunt objects, physical force or explosives can be just as deadly as a gun. The suggested actions provided here are applicable in any violent encounter.
- Plan ahead: Visualize possible escape routes, including physically accessible routes for students and staff with disabilities and others with limited mobility.
Active Shooter Safety Resources
Please click the link below to review the new Standard Response Protocol video
See the poster by clicking this link
Lockdown Drills
As part of the Clery Act requirements Campus Police must conduct at least one or more tests, drills, or exercises in order to assess and evaluate emergency plans and capabilities. In order to comply with this requirement Campus Police conducts a lockdown drill each semester (Fall/Spring) in order to help students, faculty, and staff prepare for threats or hazards that are inside the building.
During drills our PA system, informacast, and emergency alerts systems are also tested. The Chief of Police sends out an email notification the week before a drill in order to help prepare the campus community. The exact date and time of the drill is not disclosed. Instructions for students as well as faculty/staff are given in the email notification and it is highly critical that the instructions be followed. Remember!
The more we practice the better prepared we will be if a real incident occurs. Please take some time to watch the video in the link below. This provides a good example of what a successful lockdown drill looks like.
Colorado Safe Driving Initiative
The Colorado Safe Driving Initiative offers safe overnight parking to families and individuals that are experiencing homelessness and living in their vehicles in the Denver Metro Area. Limited RV/Camper spaces are available as well. Safe lot guests have access to bathroom facilities, housing navigation, and other services.
Email: findsafeparking@gmail.com or call 720-704-8242 for more information on how to apply. You can also apply online at colosafeparking.org
Parking Ticket Appeals
Please fill out the Parking Ticket Appeals form by clicking the link below. The form is an online form that will be submitted to the Campus Police Department for processing. The form must be filled out completely and submitted to the RRCC Campus Police Department within fifteen (15) days from the date indicated on the Parking Violation. No appeal will be considered after that date. A copy of the Parking Violation Ticket MUST be attached. This is done by uploading an image of the ticket as a file attachment at the end of the form.
Please provide a reason for your appeal, and if necessary, a detailed drawing of the situation to demonstrate your position you can also include photos (photos and drawings can also be attached). A financial hold may be placed on your account by the cashiers office if payment is not made for your parking citation. If you do pay your parking ticket and your appeal is approved a refund will be issued to you. Please note - THE DECISION OF THE APPEALS BOARD IS FINAL.
The appeals board only meets once at the end of each semester so a decision will not be made on your appeal until the semester has ended. For Spring appeals decisions are made in May, for Fall appeals decisions are made in December, and for Summer appeals decisions are made in August. If you have questions about the appeals process please call 303-914-6394 or email loretta.tafoya@rrcc.edu
Ride Along Program
The Red Rocks Community College Campus Police Department offers a ride-a-long program to its community members. If you are interested in participating in the ride-a-long program at RRCC PD please click the link below and fill out the form. Once you have filled out and submitted the online form it will be reviewed by the Chief of Police for approval and passed on to the Sergeant to be scheduled to an officer. The officer assigned to your ride-a-long will contact you to set a date and time for your ride-a-long and provide any necessary information.
If you have questions regarding the ride-a-long program please call 303-914-6394 or email anthony.schaller@rrcc.edu
Click on the link below to print out a Campus Police Department Form:
Don't see the form you need? Please call 303-914-6394
Temporary Disability Parking Permit
Records Request
Publicly Available Outside Area Usage Guidelines
Publicly Available Outside Area Form
Why Do People Get So Mad About Parking?
Permit Parking Application
Lost Item Report
Witness Statement Form
Red Rocks Community College is committed to assisting all members of the RRCC community in providing for their own safety and security.
The annual security report document is available to view or download in PDF format here.
If you would like to receive the Annual Security Report that contains this information, you can stop by the Red Rocks Community College Police Department at 13300 W. 6th Ave. Lakewood, CO. 80228, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 303.914.6394.
The website and report contain information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, college police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures, and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. They also contain information about crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Red Rocks Community College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
This information is required by law and is provided by the Red Rocks Community College Police Department.
View the full 2020 RRCC Annual Security Report
Red Rocks Community College Safety and Security Information Report Pursuant to 34 CFR 668.46
This information is being provided to you as part of Red Rocks Community College's commitment to safety and security on campus, and is in compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.
Red Rocks Community College is a comprehensive, two-year institution founded in 1969 and fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The Lakewood campus at 13300 West Sixth Avenue is only 15 minutes from downtown Denver via Sixth Avenue. Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the campus includes 140 naturally landscaped acres offering compelling views of the mountains, plains, and the Denver skyline. A second facility, the Arvada Campus, is located at 10280 W 55th Ave. in Arvada. All of Health Sciences programs are at our Arvada Campus.
Red Rocks is a comprehensive, state-supported community college under the auspices of the Colorado Community College and Occupational Education System (CCCOES), which awards two-year associate degrees in Arts, Science, General Studies, and Applied Science; and offers courses and certificate programs in numerous occupational areas.
More than 9,000 students are enrolled annually at Red Rocks Community College; approximately 650 faculty and staff are employed by the college.
Reporting of Criminal Activities or Emergencies
The RRCC Campus Police are responsible for law enforcement, security and emergency response at Red Rocks Community College. The primary office of the RRCC Campus Police is located at the Lakewood campus, room number 1453. Campus police officers are available during regular hours of operation for the Lakewood campus.
There is also an officer assigned to the Arvada campus and available to assist students, faculty, and staff with concerns or emergencies.
To report a crime or emergency, members of the campus community should call the Campus Police Department at ext. 6394 or “911” or use the phone outside the Police Department office to connect to a member of the RRCC dispatch team or an RRCC police officer. These phones lines are attended full-time by police officers and communications personnel.
The RRCC Campus Police Department maintains both direct telephone and two-way radio communication with the Lakewood Police Department, West Metro Fire/Rescue Services, and the college’s Physical Plant department. Assistance and support from these departments can be obtained immediately.
Access to Campus Facilities
Most campus buildings and facilities are accessible to members of the college community and visitors during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, and for designated hours on Saturdays and Sundays when the college is in normal operation (this excludes holidays.)
Maintenance and Security of Campus Facilities
The college maintains a strong commitment to campus security and safety. Exterior lighting is an important part of this commitment. Motor vehicle parking lots, pedestrian walkways and building exteriors are well lit. Surveys of exterior lighting on campus are conducted by officers of the Campus Police Department on a quarterly basis. A comprehensive survey of all exterior lighting is conducted by Campus Police and Physical Plant Department representatives at least once a year. Members of the college community are encouraged to report any exterior deficiencies to the Campus Police Department at ext. 6394 or the Facilities Department at ext. 6220.
Exterior doors on campus buildings are locked and secure each evening by police officers assigned to this department. Doors and security hardware operating with deficiencies are reported by the officers on a daily basis.
Law Enforcement Authority and Inter-Agency Relationships
The law enforcement officers of Red Rocks Community College Campus Police Department receive their police authority via the provisions of the Colorado Revised Statutes 24-7-101, 24-7-103 and 16-2-5-101 & 102.
Police officers of the RRCC Campus Police Department have full law enforcement authority on all property owned or controlled by the college, including streets contiguous to and running through the college’s campus.
The RRCC Campus Police Department maintains a close working relationship with the Lakewood Police Department, Colorado State Patrol and other appropriate elements of the criminal justice system. Regular meetings are held; both on a formal and informal basis, and reports and statistics are routinely exchanged. The department has direct computer access to the Colorado Crime Information System (CCIS) and National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
Security Awareness and Crime Prevention Programs
It is the philosophy of Red Rocks Community College to plan proactively for the prevention of crimes. A primary vehicle for accomplishing this goal is the college’s comprehensive crime prevention program.
The college’s crime prevention program is based upon the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.
The following is a list of the crime prevention programs and projects employed by Red Rocks Community College:
- Safety Escort Program: Provide an escort, particularly during hours of darkness, for persons walking out to their vehicles. Call ext. 6394 or stop by the Police Department.
- New Student Orientation: A crime prevention presentation accompanied by brochures and other printed material.
- New Employee Orientation: Crime prevention presentations accompanied by brochures and other printed material are made available to new employees throughout the year.
- Printed Crime Prevention Materials: Printed crime prevention brochures, posters and bookmarks related to motor vehicle security, bicycle security, the escort program and employee security are widely distributed at various locations throughout the college campus.
- Security Surveys: Comprehensive security surveys or audits are made for a number of control security sections of the campus facilities each year.
- Facilities Surveys: Comprehensive surveys of exterior lighting, exterior doors and grounds are conducted by the Campus Police crime prevention team semi-annually.
- Crime Prevention Publicity: Articles and materials are routinely published in the student/employee newspaper and T.V. monitors.
- Victim Advocacy: A referral service operating out of the Campus Police Department to aid crime victims in coping with the after-effects of their victimization.
- Restraining Order Enforcement: The Campus Police Department keeps a file of current restraining orders for students and staff.
- Emergency Telephones: Phones are located throughout the college. If there is an emergency, dial “911” and a police dispatcher will answer the line. If outside business hours, the line will be automatically connected with Lakewood Police Department.
Crime Reporting
Many efforts are made to advise members of the campus community on a timely basis about campus crimes and crime-related problems. These efforts include the following:
- Annual Report: A comprehensive annual report of crime-related information is compiled, published and widely distributed. This report is available to the media and any member of the campus community. The Campus Police stats are located in the Reported Crime section on this page.
- Special Alerts: If circumstances warrant it, special printed crime alerts can be prepared and distributed selectively throughout the campus via the website or CONNECT ED.
- Crime Statistics: These are available for review in the Police Dispatch Office upon public request. The statistics are archived for seven years. Below are the statistics for previous years.
View the full 2019 RRCC Annual Security Report
Crime Statistics
Campus Security Act of 1990 is for your information. It is our intent to be honest and consistent with the reporting of safety policies and crime statistics so that students, parents, employees, and community members may research and compare the safety of their community college. If you have any questions, contact the Red Rocks Community College Campus Police Department at 303.914.6498.
The annual crime statistics can be viewed in the Reported Crime Statistics area on this page.
Drug and Alcohol Policies
The following represents the drug and alcohol policies of the Red Rocks Community College:
- Students and employees shall not engage in the unauthorized or unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use or abuse of alcohol and/or illicit drugs on college property, or as part of college activities.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from being served, sold or consumed in any area, building or on the grounds of Red Rocks Community College.
- Illegal possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage, public intoxication, driving while intoxicated and drinking alcoholic beverages in an unlicensed public place are prohibited.
- Any student or employee who is convicted of the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use or abuse of illicit drugs or alcohol, is subject to criminal penalties under local, state and federal law. The exact penalty assessed depends upon the nature and severity of the individual offense.
Students and/or employees who violate the above standard of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action under SBCCOE and RRCC policies or the State of Colorado Classified Personnel Handbook. The guidelines include, but are not limited to, a requirement to complete an appropriate rehabilitation or re-entry program, expulsion from the college or termination of employment, and/or referral to authorities for prosecution.
Information on available counseling, treatment, rehabilitation and re-entry programs is available in the Office of Human Resources at Red Rocks Community College or the Colorado Department of Health. For further information about these programs, please call 303.914.6297.
The Red Rocks Community College Police Department is providing the following sex offender information to enhance public safety and in compliance with House Bill 05-1035. The sex offender registry includes only those persons who have been required by law to register and who are in compliance with the Colorado sex offender registration laws. You should not rely solely on the sex offender registry as a safeguard against perpetrators of sexual assault in our community. The crime for which a person has been convicted may not accurately reflect the level of risk posed by the sex offender to the community.
The following information is provided as an awareness tool so that you can adequately protect yourself and your children from these individuals. The use of the sex offender registry information to harass, endanger, intimidate, threaten or in any way seek retribution on an offender through illegal channels is prohibited. Anyone participating in such acts can be charged criminally.
Colorado Revised Statutes requires that each institution of post secondary education in the state shall provide a statement to its campus community identifying the name and location at which members may obtain the law enforcement agency information collected pursuant to 19-3- 412(6.3), C.R.S., concerning registered sex offenders.
Information concerning persons who are required by Colorado law to register as sex offenders, including registered sex offenders who are enrolled, employed, or volunteering on the Red Rocks Campus, may be obtained from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Registered Sex Offender Database includes only sex offenders registered in the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County, Colorado. It does not include offenders in cities like Arvada, Golden, Littleton, Lakewood, etc.
- Juvenile offenders are not listed online, per state law. Nor are some adults, including those convicted of only one misdemeanor. A complete list of all Jefferson County registered sex offenders is available at the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office headquarters, South Precinct and Mountain Precinct. (http://co.jefferson.co.us/sheriff/sheriff_T62_R31.htm).
- Offenders who have failed to register are not listed here; they are listed at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation website. Most sex offenders are not classified as sexually violent predators (SVPs); those classified as such will display the SVP designation. Offenders listed at 200 Jefferson County Parkway in Golden are currently in the Jefferson County Jail. Search offenders by name using the CBI's website at (http://sor.state.co.us/).
Registered Sex Offenders in Colorado
Registered Sex Offenders in Golden, CO
Registered Sex Offenders in Lakewood, CO
Registered Sex Offenders in Arvada, CO