***2024-2025 SACC Registration***

Please email sacc@rrcc.edu to request registration information.

CCAP Families - Please Read this First!

You must have your caseworker send your authorization to sacc@rrcc.edu before you can register as a CCAP family.  CCAP families need to read and understand the following before starting registration:

  • Current and potential CCAP families should start by contacting their CCAP caseworker to provide the license number of the school site and the date range care will be needed.
  • RRCC SACC must have proof of CCAP authorization in hand in order to accept a CCAP family into the program.
  • Families must access the CCAP ATS online for payment authorization, failure to check in or out properly for sessions will result in the client being charged for care. Failure to pay may result in suspension from the program.
  • CCAP families MUST contact their caseworker to alter their authorization if they need to attend full day or school break care being held at another school. CCAP caseworkers should be provided the license number of the school where the care will be held (RRCC Site License Numbers) and the date or dates.
  • Late Pick Up Fees and Late Payment Fees are not covered by CCAP; these fees do apply to CCAP families and must be paid if incurred.
  • Parents are responsible for any lapse in CCAP coverage for days that care was provided.

If you have any questions or concerns about registering as a CCAP family, please email sacc@rrcc.edu and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

2024-2025 School Year Policies and Procedures (General Copy of Registration/Contract)

kids with rain boots
Contract Changes

*Please email sacc@rrcc.edu for Summer Camp 2024 contract change requests*

Contract changes to alter your weekly schedule or suspend care (maximum two weeks per school year) must be submitted via the Contract Change Form link below two weeks before the effective date. The first contract change submission of the school year is always free, subsequent contract change submissions are $15.00 per child. 

Please click here for access to the contract change request form.  Changes are available before August 1st and after September 15th (to be effective on October 1st). 

Summer Camp 2024
Contract Changes

*Please email sacc@rrcc.edu for Summer Camp 2024 contract change requests*

Contract changes to alter your weekly schedule or suspend care (maximum two weeks per school year) must be submitted via the Contract Change Form link below two weeks before the effective date. The first contract change submission of the school year is always free, subsequent contract change submissions are $15.00 per child. 

Please click here for access to the contract change request form.  Changes are available before August 1st and after September 15th (to be effective on October 1st). 

Currently Registered Families
Full Day/School Break Request Form

Currently registered families can request care for full days and school breaks (summer excluded) by submitting payment AND the below "Full Day/School Break Request Form".

Full Days and School Breaks are not included in regular contracted care and are not charged to families automatically. The payment and request form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the required date to be charged the regular rate. Any requests submitted less than two weeks prior will be charged the drop-in rate.

All rates must be paid in advance. Space is limited for all days and your request may be denied based upon the state required ratios.

Please start by making payment online through the CashNet Payment System for the appropriate cost of your requested care as you will need the receipt number to complete the below request form. Payments DO NOT count as requests, both payment and the Full Day/School Break Request Form must be submitted!

Drop In Request Form

Currently registered families can request care for full days and school breaks (summer excluded) by submitting payment AND the below "Full Day/School Break Request Form".

Currently registered families can request drop in care by submitting payment AND the below "Drop In Request Form". Drop in request forms should be submitted at least one business day before the requested date and no earlier than two weeks in advance. Space is limited for all days and your request may be denied based upon the state required ratios.

Please start by making payment online through the CashNet Payment System for the appropriate cost of your requested care as you will need the receipt number to complete the below request form. Payments DO NOT count as requests, both payment and the Drop In Request Form must be submitted!

little girl science