What We Value

Important Note: The Children's Center offers ONLY full day child care. No drop-in or partial days are offered.

There are five primary areas of high quality care and education that we, in conjunction with the Early Childhood Education Department, model and implement:

  • Positive social and emotional interactions between adults and children and children with each other;
  • Primary care giving and continuity of care;
  • Establishing and maintaining caring relationships between staff and families;
  • An eclectic curriculum approach that is based in the Reggio Emilia Approach, High Scope and other child-centered, emergent philosophies.
  • A focus on literacy, emerging math and integrated science.

An annual fee of $150.00 is due at the time of enrollment and each August thereafter, but not charged again in August for those who enroll in June, July or August. Tuition is due at the beginning of each month of care. A schedule of closures is provided each August for coming year.

Tour Required Prior to Enrollment

If you are interested in a Center tour please call 303.914.6328 text 303.906.0199 or email susan.padgett@rrcc.edu.


Acceptance into this program will give supplemental tuition for your child to attend The Children's Center at RRCC.

Make Payment

Red Rocks Community College Children's Center Payments


Our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Contact us at 303-914-6328

We are closed on established college holidays, as well as the week in August prior to start of RRCC fall semester. We will not be open between Christmas and New Year's Day, when college is closed for winter holiday. The Center closes on the last Friday each month during the academic year, except December for staff training and development.

Because we believe primary care giving and continuity of care are best for young children, we match each family with a caregiver who will stay with your family for two years whenever feasible and in the child’s best interest. The children & caregivers move together to the next room each summer. To support the work, meal and rest times of the children, we ask that families arrive by 8:45 am and leave after 3:15pm.


The Center is closed on Labor Day, Memorial Day, June 19,  July 4th and one day each month during academic the year for professional development.  In addition, the Center is closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day and for one week each August for staff training, cleaning, maintenance, etc. Families are charged for 49 weeks per year, averaged over a 12 month period for a consistent monthly rate.


More Information
CCAMPIS Will Help You Pay for Childcare

The CCAMPIS Program is an amazing opportunity for Parents who are also pursuing degrees at Red Rocks Community College. This award supplements tuition for your child to attend The Children’s Center @ Red Rocks.

How will this help you and your child?
  • Work toward achieving your academic goals and future economic security knowing your child is well taken care of and close by.
  • Get your studying out of the way during the day so you can be mom or dad full-time when you go home.
  • The Children’s Center is a model training center, so your child will be in the best of hands while you study.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Maintain a course load of at least 9 credit hours in the Fall and Spring; 3 credit hours in the Summer
  • Maintain Good Academic Standing
    • You are completing 67% or more of your cumulative attempted credit hours
    • You have a 2.0 GPA or better
  • Pell Grant Eligible
Priority For Families Who Are
  • Military-Related
  • Parents are currently enrolled as a full-time student
Program Application

Download the CCAMPIS Program Application here.

You can also pick up an application at the Children’s Center @ Red Rocks, located at the Lakewood Campus.

Program Requirements

When you’re involved with CCAMPIS you will need to:

  • Maintain a minimum course load of 9-credit hours per semester (fall/spring), 3-credit hours in the summer
  • Meet at least once each semester with the CCAMPIS Navigator to discuss plans for a successful semester
  • Maintain good academic standing (67% completion of credits attempted, 2.0 GPA or higher)
  • Complete FAFSA in a timely manner each year
  • Seek scholarship funds through the RRCC Foundation <link> (Application is available each spring)
  • Participate in parent education/engagement activities through the Children’s Center
  • Notify the Project Director of any change in enrollment status
  • You cannot be receiving a child care subsidy from another local, state or federal program

Because we believe primary care giving and continuity of care are best for young children, we match each family with a caregiver who will stay with your family for two years whenever feasible and in the child’s best interest. The children & caregivers move together to the next room each summer. To support the work, meal and rest times of the children, we ask that families arrive by 8:45 am and leave after 3:15pm.

The Center is closed on Labor Day, Memorial Day, June 19,  July 4th and the last Friday of the month during academic the year for professional development.  In addition, the Center is closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day and for one week each August for staff training, cleaning, maintenance, etc. Families are charged for 49 weeks per year, averaged over a 12 month period for a consistent monthly rate.

An annual fee of $50.00 is due at the time of enrollment and each August thereafter, but not charged again in August for those who enroll in June, July or August. Tuition is due at the beginning of each month of care. A schedule of closures is provided each August for coming year.

Tour Required Prior to Enrollment

If you are interested in a Center tour please call 303.914.6328 text 303.906.0199 or email susan.padgett@rrcc.edu
Rates (effective 9/1/2023)

RRCC Student/Staff Rates

Once you are offered a space in The Children's Center, the Enrollment Packets can be downloaded here and completed for the child's first day of attendance:

Once you are offered a space in The Children's Center, the Enrollment Packets can be downloaded here and completed for the child's first day of attendance:

Our mission is to:
  • Offer rich experiences in a respectful, safe, and caring learning environment.
  • Empower families as the experts of their children and as their first teachers
  • Support children as they learn about and explore their own uniqueness and the world in which they live.
  • Act as a beacon for the community we serve by modeling high quality early care and education.
  • Provide a demonstration/lab site.
  • The Children’s Center philosophy is based on a belief that children of all abilities benefit from an inclusive environment, emphasizing acceptance of individual differences and ability levels. For children with special needs, inclusion facilitates developmental progress by exposure to role modeling of social, language, and physical skills through interactions with typically developing peers. We also believe that the typically developing children gain solid interpersonal skills, including self-confidence, acceptance, empathy, and communication. Inclusion allows all children to relate and interact with peers in play and daily routines, engaging in experiences that promote the development of self-help skills, self-control, and the understanding that others have different backgrounds and perspectives than themselves.
  • In building community with our families

Building relationships provides a strong foundation for community, learning and personal growth. We nurture relationships by connecting with children, families and each other on informal, personal levels, and taking time for reflective practice.  We know that each child, family and staff member is unique.  We respect that uniqueness by listening carefully, communicating clearly, encouraging growth, exploration and risk-taking, and by being patient.


The quality of the program is due to the quality of the staff. It is vital to attract staff that is experienced and knowledgeable in the field of early childhood. Each classroom is staffed with full-time teachers. Additional part-time staff float between rooms to offer additional support or coverage where needed.

Effective 9/1/2024

RRCC Student/Staff Rates

Garden Room - ages 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 yrs. 

Days per week - 5
Daily Rate $89.00
Monthly Rate $1533.00

Days per week - 3
Monthly Rate $1152.00

Days per week - 2
Monthly Rate $767. 00

Sunlight Room - ages 2/12 - 3/1/2 yrs

Days per week - 5
Daily Rate - $79.00
Monthly Rate - $1,405.00

Days per week - 3
Monthly Rate - $951.00

Days per week - 2
Monthly Rate - $639.00

River Rock Room - ages 3 1/2 - 5 1/2 yrs

Days per week - 5
Daily Rate - $75.00
Monthly Rate - $1,326.00

Days per week - 3
Monthly Rate - $993.00

Days per week - 2
Monthly Rate - $663.00

Community Rates

Garden Room - ages 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 yrs. 

Days per week - 5
Daily Rate $95.00
Monthly Rate $1685.00

Days per week - 3
Monthly Rate $1262.00

Days per week - 2
Monthly Rate $842.00

Sunlight Room - ages 2/12 - 3/1/2 yrs

Days per week - 5
Daily Rate - $89.00
Monthly Rate - $1,533.00

Days per week - 3
Monthly Rate - $1152.00

Days per week - 2
Monthly Rate - $767.00

River Rock Room - ages 3 1/2 - 5 1/2 yrs

Days per week - 5
Daily Rate - $83.00
Monthly Rate - $145900

Days per week - 3
Monthly Rate - $1093.00

Days per week - 2
Monthly Rate - $729.00

Our Team

Alyson Lear

Assistant Toddler/Preschool Teacher - The Children's Center

Lauren H. Losande

Assistant/Lead Teacher

Susan Padgett

Director - The Children's Center

Andrea C. Santis Numhauser

Toddler/Preschool Teacher - Children's Center