Deciding where to start your college education is a big decision. Whether you are earning a degree, brushing up on career skills, or seeking life-long learning, you will enjoy an environment of inspiration and support. It is our goal to create an experience that will enrich your life educationally, professionally, and personally to help you succeed!
Career Paths
- Interpretation and Translation
- Education
- Public Relations
- International Relations
- Media and Communications
You can sign up for SPA 1001, SPA 1011, JPN 1011 or ASL 1021 without any experience or prerequisites.
For SPA 1012 (Spanish 2), SPA 2011 (Spanish 3) and SPA 2012 (Spanish 4), students must either have the prerequisite or take the RRCC Spanish Placement Exam.
- Prerequisite for SPA 1012 is SPA 1011
- Prerequisite for SPA 2011 is SPA 1012
- Prerequisite for SPA 2012 is SPA 2011
You can contact the department chair to discuss your options.
For JPN 1012 (Japanese 2), JPN 2011 (Japanese 3) and JPN 2012 (Japanese 4), students must either have the prerequisite or contact the department chair about a placement exam.
- Prerequisite for JPN 1012 is JPN 1011
- Prerequisite for JPN 2011 is JPN 1012
- Prerequisite for JPN 2012 is JPN 2011
American Sign Language
For ASL 1022 (American Sign Language 2) students must either have the prerequisite or contact the department chair about a placement exam.
- Prerequisite for ASL 1022 is ASL 1021
We offer courses in French, German, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish and American Sign Language. You can also get an AA degree.