RRCC offers a wide variety of courses and support services at both our Lakewood and Arvada campuses
The RRCC Lakewood Campus is located minutes from downtown Denver to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west with easy bus and RTD Light Rail access.
The rolling hills of our grounds make for beautiful views and support an active community with a sand volleyball court, tennis/basketball courts, running track, and walking trails.
The Lakewood campus offers full student success and support services including admissions, assessment, advising, financial aid, tutoring, college prep, career services, and a student project center.
Our book store provides new and used text books, snacks, gifts, and school supplies. Students with disabilities can find support and services, including an Assistive technology lab in Accessibility Services.
In addition to academic support, the Lakewood campus offers a cafeteria and coffee shop, a children's center, a Student Health & Counseling Center, recreational facilities, and a fitness center.
13300 W. 6th Ave
Lakewood, CO 80228
(p) 303.914.6600
Just 15 minutes from downtown Denver
Monday - Thursday 7am-10pm
Friday - 7am-6pm
Saturday - 7am - 6pm
Sunday - 7am-6pm
The RRCC Arvada Campus is home to RRCC’s health programs as well as an associate degree and general education courses that transfer to four-year institutions.
The RRCC Arvada Campus delivers the college’s health science programs, a variety of associate degree options, and a wide range of general study courses. A recent 50,000 square foot expansion to the Arvada campus provided state of the art classrooms and labs, enhanced curriculum for an inter-professional / holistic model of patient care, room for expanded enrollment and readies us to build new programs in step with industry demands.
Our health sciences programs feature high-demand fields in physician assistant, diagnostic cardiac and medical sonography, radiology technology, RN refresher, nurse aide, nursing, medical assisting, phlebotomy, medical office, and integrative health careers.
10280 W 55th Ave.
Arvada, CO 80002
(p) 303.914.6010
Just 15 minutes from downtown Denver
Monday - Friday 7am-6pm
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains with campuses in Lakewood and Arvada, we have the largest community college campus in Colorado. If you are considering attending Red Rocks Community College, a campus visit is a great way to find out if this is the place for you.
Join a public 45-minute tour (Monday-Friday) at our Lakewood Campus.
Schedule a group tour for your school or organization at our Lakewood Campus - call Yvonne Pepping at 303-914-6130 or email at yvonne.pepping@rrcc.edu.
Join a public 30-minute tour at our Arvada Campus (Monday-Friday) per the link below. The Health Science programs are housed on the Arvada Campus.
Schedule a school tour at our Arvada Campus or email arv.frontdesk@rrcc.edu.
Public campus tours give an overview of the entire campus and guests are not guaranteed an opportunity to visit specific program areas. If you wish to visit a specific program, please contact the department directly to schedule an appointment 24 hours in advance. For information on our programs or to find contact information view our Academic Programs
On November 2, 2018 the Governor of Colorado enacted an Executive Order making all State owned or leased buildings and grounds 100% tobacco-free. The campuses of the Colorado Community College System are covered by this order. On July 1, 2019 the policy will go into effect on the Red Rocks Community College (RRCC) campuses/properties. The information, below, has been provided to support students, staff, faculty and visitors in understanding and preparing for this policy change.
The Governor’s Executive Order (B 2018 011) states that “sale and use of tobacco products, vaping products and e-cigarettes are prohibited in all buildings and on all grounds owned or leased by the state.” The full Executive Order can be viewed here.
Not included in the order are nicotine replacement therapies (nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, etc.) approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for tobacco cessation.
RRCC is committed to providing an environment for students, faculty, staff, and guests that is conducive to learning and working and that promotes the health and well-being of all members of the community. As part of this commitment, RRCC campuses will be tobacco-free beginning July 1, 2019 in alignment with and support of the intention of the State Executive Order.
RRCC has formed a work group to organize educational opportunities, provide support and information to assist the campus community in preparing for this policy change. Having a campus environment where all staff, students, faculty and visitors are welcomed, valued and respected is of utmost importance.
Starting July 1, 2019, smoking and vaping in any form (cigarettes, pipes, water pipes/hookah, electronic smoking devices, etc.) and all other forms of tobacco use (use of chew, snuff, snus, dip, etc.) is prohibited on all properties of RRCC, including in buildings, parking lots, recreational areas, and all areas currently designated for tobacco use. Use is permitted only in areas that are not State/RRCC property. Reminder: The Cities of Arvada and Lakewood prohibits smoking/vaping at public transit waiting areas (bus stops/shelters, light rail platforms, etc.).
A workgroup has been formed to develop and implement activities and protocols to support compliance and respond appropriately to policy violations. It is the hope of campus leadership that punitive enforcement activities are rarely if ever needed.
For additional information, contact: Human Resources at RRCC (Lakewood Campus) 303-914-6570 or email HR@rrcc.edu or Donna Viverette at Jefferson County Public Health, 303-275-7555 or email dviveret@jeffco.us.
The RRCC Student Health/Counseling Clinic as a resource for students and staff considering or working on quitting.
Need space for your event? We have a variety of options to choose from at both our RRCC Lakewood and Arvada campuses. Space is offered to our surrounding communities at an affordable cost and includes facility set-up, AV set-up, as well as IT set-up.
We host events that include meetings, conferences, training sessions, banquets and classes. We allow groups that include those from the community, businesses, schools, non-profit organizations, local, federal and state agencies, as well as political groups.
Space is offered to our surrounding communities at an affordable cost and includes facility set-up, AV set-up, as well as IT set-up. We host events that include meetings, conferences, training sessions, banquets and classes. We allow groups that include those from the community, businesses, schools, non-profit organizations, local, federal and state agencies, as well as political groups.
At our Lakewood Campus we have several spaces available including a new Community Room that can accommodate large groups in a variety of room set-ups, conference rooms that can accommodate from 10-20 people, and several classrooms that can accommodate anywhere from 10-36 people. At our Arvada Campus we have a Lecture Hall that can accommodate up to 150 people, conference rooms that can accommodate up to 12 people, classrooms that can accommodate anywhere from 10-24 people, and a cadaver laboratory that encompasses over 1360 square feet of student learning space and can accommodate up to 24 people (specimens not included).
Wondering if we can accommodate your event needs? Please contact us at the email addresses listed below to request more information about renting space for your event (including pricing and rental requirements).
If you are interested in reserving space at the Lakewood Campus or Arvada Campus, please contact RRCC Rentals at rentals@rrcc.edu for more information. (Please include the specifics or your request with your inquiry, including: which campus, nature/purpose of your event, date/time, number of people, type of space, type of setup, any potential A/V needs, etc.)
For Cadaver Lab rentals at the Arvada Campus, please contact the Cadaver Program Coordinator at cadaver.program@rrcc.edu or call 303-914-6067 for more information.
To pay your room rental invoice go to the RRCC Room Rental form.