Request for VA Certification
What is expected of students:
- A certification request is required each semester when using VA education benefits.
- Students should submit their certification request (CR) after registering for the semester.
- To avoid late fees, students should submit their CR before the earliest drop date for their classes.
- Do NOT need to resubmit the form when schedule changes are made.
Veteran Services will track changes and submit to VA accordingly. Please email if a schedule change was made and you have not seen it reflected in a new email from the VA’s system within two weeks of that change. - To request your course(s) be certified with VA:
- Register for your classes
- Log into The Rock and navigate to the Military Benefits card on the left menu bar. *If you are requesting certification for a previous semester, please email
Complete the CR form. The benefit specific questions will appear once the benefit type is chosen.Track the status of your CR form under the ‘Submitted Certification Request’ section. Once it is listed as Approved, keep an eye on the Notifications section and your student email. We will notify you of any problems or when the certifications are submitted to VA.
CR Status Key
Pending = Not Processed
Approved = Form processed, classes under review
Rejected = Form needs to be resubmitted
Closed = Student requested to not be certified
Need Briefing = Student needs to attend mandatory briefing
Need VA Doc = Student needs to upload doc
TIPS regarding VA Certification Requests:
- DD214s are no longer required or requested
- If it is your first semester using VA education benefits at RRCC, please upload a pdf copy of your Certification of Eligibility (COE), Statement of Benefits (SOB), or benefit application confirmation page. If you have any issues locating the documentation, please email us at for assistance.
- The earlier you register for classes, settle your schedule (no more changes), and submit your Certification Request, the earlier we will be able to submit your certifications to VA.
If you are a guest student from another school, complete the Certification Request form and select ‘Guest Student from Another School. Be sure to upload a copy of your parent letter from your primary school. Summer Semester: for VA education benefits, 7 credit hours is considered full-time. Be sure you are full-time the entire semester AND for CH33/31 students be sure at least one class is “on-campus.”
*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at