Rules & Regulations
The following rules and regulations governing the use of all recreational facilities at the Student Recreation Center have been created to provide equal opportunity, safety, and protect the rights of each participant.
As a member of the Red Rocks community, you have a responsibility to understand and abide by these guidelines. To ensure everyone’s safety, Student Recreation Center team members will enforce the usage guidelines and other posted regulations. Failure to abide by these rules and regulations may result in modified or revoked membership privileges as determined by the Director of the Student Recreation Center.
Student Recreation Virtual Programming Disclaimers, Policies, & Procedures
Participation in Student Recreation Virtual Programs is completely voluntary. There are risks and hazards, minor and serious, associated with participation in SRC activities. Participants voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness, and/or injury to person or property associated with participation in these programs. Student Recreation strongly advises participants to consult with their physician if they have any doubts of their physical ability to safely participate.
The nutrition/supplement information provided in Student Recreation programming is intended for educational/coaching purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease/condition. Information provided does not serve as nutritional advice nor does it serve as a recommendation for nutritional therapy. The SRC strongly encourages viewers to consult with their physician or a registered dietitian nutritionist for more information on individual meal plans and other relevant medical topics.
Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Student Recreation is dedicated to providing inclusive services, programs, and facilities to all persons, and welcomes participants and visitors reflective of all characteristics including age, culture, different ideas and perspectives, disability, ethnicity, familial status, gender identity and expression, geographical background, marital status, national origin, race, religious and spiritual beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and veteran status.
- Bigotry and discrimination have no place within the Student Recreation Center facility, programs, or services; all participants and staff are expected to be respectful members of the RRCC community. Any member who commits discriminatory or racist act will have their membership suspended or terminated entirely if deemed necessary by the SRC professional staff.
- Verbal or written abuse, threats, intimidation, violence, or other forms of harassment towards participants or staff will not be tolerated.
- Student Recreation patrons participate in programs and utilize facilities based on their gender identity.
- Any employee needing accommodations for their job, training, or anything pertaining to employment should contact their supervisor directly.
- If anyone witnesses a violation of Student Recreation’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, they can report it in a number of ways including:
- Alerting a student staff member on duty
- Email us at src@rrcc.edu
- Contact campus police at (303) 914-6394
- Submit an electronic “Report a Concern” form at https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?RedRocksCC
Accessibility Information
The Student Recreation Center is designed to accommodate patrons of varying abilities. Student Recreation team members are available at any time to provide special assistance to members with disabilities. Members are encouraged to provide as much advance notice as possible to the facility prior to a visit to help ensure that their request for special assistance may be met. Service animals are allowed in all facilities.
Pets/Service Animals
Service and therapy animals are allowed in the facility. All other animals are not allowed in the SRC.
Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the Student Recreation Center activity areas unless they are participating in age specified department sponsored program or enrolled in a dual enrollment program at RRCC. Children under 16 are not allowed in the weight rooms or on cardio equipment.
Baby strollers/carriers are not allowed in activity areas or fitness/wellness classes. Red Rocks students under the age of 18 must receive a parent/guardian signature on the Student Recreation Center risks and assumptions waiver prior to gaining access to the Student Recreation Center activity areas. It is the student's responsibility to read and understand the policies required for underage members.
Identification (ID) Card Requirements/Service Desk
Red Rocks Community College students and all Student Recreation Center members must show proof of membership by presenting a valid student ID or employee ID to gain access into the activity space at the Student Recreation Center. Student Recreation is fully authorized to deny entrance to the Student Recreation Center without possession of valid identification noted above. Any violators (i.e... members "sneaking" non-members into the SRC through exit doors, etc.) of this policy may be asked to leave the SRC and or could result in revoked membership privileges (including guests).
Students and/or members who forget their ID card will receive a two-time exemption to enter the SRC per semester. If an ID card is forgotten on an occasion(s) in the same semester following the use of the two-time exemption, the member will not be allowed access to the Student Recreation Center until they have their RRCC student ID or employee ID card.
ID cards can be issued at the RRCC Student Life Desk located on the west side of the Lakewood Campus or at the Student Life office located at the Aravada campus.
Students participating in academic classes are required to present a valid Red Rocks ID to enter the activity space to attend class - no exceptions.
All participants are asked to wear athletic clothing while working out or participating in activities.
- We ask that all participants wear closed-toe athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all activity areas except during certain fitness classes such as Mind/Body classes.
- Shirts must conceal the navel and nipple areas to comply with policy. Shorts must be long enough to cover the buttocks and groin when exercising or moving.
- T-shirts, yoga pants, athletic tennis shoes, sweat pants, athletic pants, and athletic shorts are all examples of approved workout attire.
- All clothing must contain no obscene or offensive words/pictures.
- Beyond our facility policies, we do not require gender-specific attire within the Rec Center. Participants are encouraged to wear whatever attire honors their workout experience most.
Alcohol and Drugs
Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs may not be consumed prior to or while using the facility. Individuals may not use the facility while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Food and Drink
Food and drinks are not permitted in the activity areas, unless explicitly approved for special events by staff. Beverages in non-glass, spill proof containers are permitted as long as they do not present a trip hazard.
Excessive public displays of affection are prohibited.
We encourage our members to only bring necessary items to the Student Recreation Center. Valuables should be left at home and individuals are responsible for securing personal belongings in lockers. Please report any suspicious behavior to any Student Recreation Center team member.
Personal Photos and Video Recording
- Patrons’ cell phones may be used to take photos or videos of themselves or friends working out within the facility and must remain for personal use only.
- Selfies may not be taken in ways that have the potential to negatively impact the experiences of other patrons, such as within a busy locker room or restroom where others may be in the background. Patrons are expected to follow the Principles of Community and engage the use of selfies with respect for others.
- Photography of other guests without their explicit permission is strictly prohibited. Guests taking photos or videos with their cell phone for personal use must not interrupt or cause any nuisance to others.
- In the event that Campus Recreation staff suspect a guest is inappropriately using the cell phone privilege or if their engagement in selfies is causing discomfort to others, they will be asked to put their phone away or leave the facility if they continue to violate the policy.
Locker Rooms
There are two main locker rooms in the Student Recreation Center. There are also two gender-neutral, private changing rooms are available and include restroom, shower, and locker facilities.
The following guidelines are required:
- No glass is permitted in locker rooms.
- Student Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items due to unauthorized use. Day locks are available to rent at the Service Desk.
- Regardless of age, individuals are not permitted in the opposite sex locker room.
- Day lockers and day locks must be cleared at the end of the night. Locks left on day use lockers overnight will be cut and contents will be removed.
Warning: Wet surfaces in the locker room may be slippery. Please watch your step.
Locker Rental Procedures and Policies
RRCC students and faculty/staff members may rent one locker for the semester.
- You must have a valid membership to rent a locker.
- Locker sales begin on the first day of classes each semester and expire on commencement day each semester.
- Locker renewal periods begin 30 days prior to commencement. It is the sole responsibility of the locker renter to be aware of deadlines for renewals.
- All lockers must be renewed by the expiration date.
- Lockers not renewed or vacated by the expiration date will be stripped of the lock, and personal belongings will be bagged and stored in the SRC for one month.
- To reclaim items, patrons must present a photo ID at the Service Desk
- At the conclusion of the one-month holding period, any unclaimed stripped locker items will be donated to charitable organizations or discarded, and is no longer the responsibility of the SRC.
- Stripped items cannot be shipped.
- By renting a locker at the SRC, the renter agrees that the SRC is not responsible for the contents of the locker or disposal thereof. The SRC is not responsible for the items inside the locker if the locker is left unsecured for any period of time. The renter also agrees that if their SRC membership becomes invalid at any time during the rental period of the locker, SRC staff will remove all items from the locker and will lose the rights to that locker.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is located at the SRC Service desk.
- Personal hygiene items will be disposed of each day at closing time. Other items will be kept for one week and then disposed of appropriately.
- Lost IDs and membership cards will be placed at the SRC Service desk for retrieval.
- Wallets, cell phones, Bluetooth headphones, and other items deemed to be of high value will be placed in the lockable cabinet for security purposes. These items may be retrieved by the Shift Lead on duty.
- Student Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property.
Climbing Wall
Climbing is inherently dangerous; to minimize the risk of injury you must follow Climbing Wall Supervisor instructions and adhere to the following policies. Policy violations may result in the loss of climbing privileges in addition to disciplinary action.
General Climbing Policies
- The Climbing Wall is open to all individuals with a valid membership.
- You must complete a Climbing Wall Acknowledgement of Risk and Policies form in order to climb or belay.
- You must check in with a Climbing Wall staff upon arrival during staffed, roped climbing hours.
- The Figure-8 follow-through is the only knot permitted for tying in at the Climbing Wall.
- The use of cell phones, headphones, or any mobile technology while climbing or belaying is not permitted.
- Climbers must pass a Lead Skills Assessment to lead climb or lead belay. schedule a clinic and/or assessment with the Adventure Coordinator (zach.johnston@rrcc.edu (link sends e-mail))
- Personal belongings are not permitted on the bouldering or climbing landing surface and must be stored in the cubbies at the climbing desk or locker room lockers.
- The bouldering or climbing landing surface may not be used for tumbling and/or any gymnastic purpose.
- Participants may not move or tighten hand holds. Please inform SRC staff of any loose holds.
- Do not walk or climb underneath other climbers or in front of belayers.
- Report unsafe conditions to a Climbing Wall Supervisor immediately.
- If a patron is asked to stop climbing by a staff member for any reason, they are expected to comply immediately.
- Climbing Wall Supervisors may belay as time allows.
- You must pass a Belay Assessment in order to belay at the wall.
- Climbing Wall Assistants will perform Belay Assessments daily as time allows.
- A palm down belay (P.B.U.S.) technique is required, and the brake hand must remain on the rope at all times.
- Only locking carabiners are used to connect the belay devices to the belayer’s harness.
- Verbal commands and a partner safety check are required before every climb.
- Bouldering is available during all building operational hours
- Topping out on the bouldering wall is prohibited
- Spotters and crash pads are encouraged at all times while bouldering
- Bouldering is permitted on the roped climbing wall ONLY below the marked line and if no climbers are present.
Climbing Wall Equipment
- All equipment including ropes, harnesses, helmets, belay devices, shoes, chalk bags and chalk balls is available for check-out and use at the climbing wall free of charge.
- Climbers assume all liability resulting from the use of personal equipment when climbing. Personal equipment is subject to inspection by wall staff.
- Personal ropes and quick draws devices are not permitted.
- Loose chalk is not permitted; only chalk balls, eco balls, or liquid chalk may be used.
Fitness Studios 1 & 2
- The use of the fitness studios are both scheduled and open for recreational use.
- Use of fitness studio sound/music & projector equipment is prohibited. Members may check out an external speaker at the SRC Service Desk free of charge.
- Use of the fitness equipment closet & materials is prohibited unless granted by the Student Recreation Center professional staff.
- External speakers and equipment (i.e... yoga blocks, straps, etc.) may be checked out for use at the SRC Service Desk.
- Please report any damages in the fitness studios to an Student Recreation Center staff member as soon as possible.
- Reckless, intentional, or obstructive acts in the fitness studios or fitness equipment is prohibited. Violators may be dismissed or permanently suspended from the Student Recreation Center.
- Water must be in an enclosed, unbreakable container. Food, chewing gum and drinks are prohibited.
Group Fitness Policies and Procedures
- Student ID and employee ID cards are required to check-in for all group fitness classes.
- Arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of class to check in.
- Please follow the instructor’s routine and keep conversation to a minimum for your safety and the safety of others.
- For safety reasons, participants are not allowed to enter a class once the class has started. Please refrain from entering the studio before the current class has finished.
- Clean and return all equipment to the proper storage area when class is finished.
- Personal belongings must be kept in a locker or cubby where available.
- Group Fitness classes and schedules are subject to change based on attendance/availability.
- For safety reasons, group fitness classes will be limited based on space and availability of equipment.
Fitness Floors
- Participants must be 18 years of age or older to use any strength and or cardio equipment on the fitness floor (unless provided a parent/guardian signature on facility risks and assumptions waiver)
- Cardiovascular machine use may be limited to 30 minutes if others are waiting on a machine - Please be respectful of others and abide by the time limit when the facility is busy.
- Equipment of any type must be wiped down after each use.
- All dumbbells, weights and weight plates must be re-racked after use.
- Spotters are strongly recommended while using free weights.
- Collars must be used with all bars in the free weight area.
- All equipment must be used in the manner for which it is designed. Hanging upside down from equipment, using hand held weights with cardiovascular equipment, walking/running backwards, and having more than one person using a cardio machine is prohibited.
- Individuals are responsible for checking equipment prior to each use. Broken or damaged equipment and/or equipment malfunctions should be reported to the SRC team immediately.
- All cardiovascular and strength equipment must remain where placed in the room and should not be moved or relocated. All free weight equipment must remain in the free weight area and not moved to other levels of the facility.
- Weights should be lifted in a controlled manner. Intentionally slamming weights is prohibited.
- Exercises such as landmines, t-bar rows, pull ups using accessory handles, ropes and towels, upside down push-ups and other exercises deemed unsafe or inappropriate by Student Recreation Staff will not be allowed.
- The use of powder or liquid chalk is prohibited and will be strictly enforced.
- Personal training other than that which is scheduled through Student Recreation is prohibited.
- Personal belongings must be kept in a locker where available. In an effort to prevent theft and tripping hazards, bags are not permitted in the workout areas.
- No disruptive behavior (i.e... excessively loud singing, shouting, talking, etc.) will be tolerated. Violators may and can be asked to leave the premises and may face further disciplinary action.
- Spitting is prohibited.
- Throwing or dropping items from one level to another is prohibited and will be strictly enforced.
- Any and all other activities deemed unsafe or inappropriate by Student Recreation staff is prohibited.
Sports Courts
- Since all games are self-officiated and self-monitored, good sportsmanship and proper conduct are expected at all times.
- Some scheduled activities on the courts may take priority of open recreation.
- Grabbing or hanging on the nets or rim is prohibited. The “no dunking” rule is enforced.
- Baseball, football, and other activities deemed unsafe in the court environment are prohibited unless special permission is obtained from SRC staff.
- Throwing or kicking objects, including balls, against the walls and lights is not allowed.
- Student Recreation Center Shift Lead reserves the right to modify games based on participant needs.
Massage Chairs
- These chairs are for SRC members only
- Please check in at the SRC Service Desk before using
- Remove shoes before using
- Limit use to 30 minutes per person
- Wipe down chairs after each use