All children in our service area have the opportunity to thrive and develop into their fullest potential.
Child Care Innovations' mission is to help improve quality, access, availability, and equity in early childhood services and supports. We do this through the provision of regulatory services, training and support for caregivers and early childhood professionals, advocacy, and innovative community partnerships that promote the importance of early childhood experiences and the connection to school readiness and the overall health of families and communities.
The credential is nationally and now globally recognized.
Federally Registered Apprenticeship Program
Child Care Referrals:
Families may receive free referrals of licensed centers and family child care homes. Using a comprehensive database of over 3,000 facilities, Referral Specialists can provide consumer education and referrals tailored to meet individual family needs.
Referrals may be obtained by calling 1.877.338.CARE. Through this service, Child Care Innovations serves an annual average of 6,000 families.
Coordinated Alliance of Resource Exchange Services (CARES)
Because we believe in the inherent right of all children to reach their fullest potential, this program provides support to families and early childhood professionals caring for children who have special needs.
A dedicated staff position, the Inclusion Specialist, is available to provide enhanced child care services, connect families with supportive community services, and broker on site services to early childhood professionals to assist in meeting the care needs of the individual child. The Inclusion Specialist works with the family until care is found or resources are exhausted.
CARES provides on site and technical assistance by phone, with an average of 25 receiving on site Resource Visits by a mental health professional to address the needs of children exhibiting emotional or behavioral concerns.
Professional Development:
Child Care Innovations provides a variety of workshops, seminars, conferences, and other educational opportunities.
We offer a "one stop shop" for meeting child care licensing training requirements including pre-licensing, medication administration, universal precautions, First Aid/CPR, and ongoing training related to the Colorado Core Knowledge content areas. Each year over 1,500 early childhood professionals have taken advantage of professional development opportunities conducted or sponsored by Child Care Innovations.
In addition, we operate a Child Care Apprenticeship Program, where participants receive college credit training, on site support, complete the requirements for the Colorado Early Childhood Professional Credential, and receive from the U.S. Department of Labor, a designation as Child Development Specialist. Participants also receive a student support package to assist with the cost of transportation, books, child care, and related expenses.
Child Care Innovations is also available to provide customized on site workshops, seminars or consultation to early childhood programs, community agencies, and employers on a wide range of topics related to child care and work-life issues.
Based on local county initiatives, Child Care Innovations manages a variety of programs to provide grants for start up of family child care homes, program quality assessments, and related quality improvements.
Triad Early Childhood Council:
Child Care Innovations provides primary staffing for activities of the Council serving the counties of Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Gilpin.
The Colorado General Assembly originally established the Consolidated Child Care Pilots in 1997 and in 2007 expanded statewide the concept of local early childhood councils. These local councils work to coordinate, collaborate, and consolidate programming to improve the access and quality of early childhood serves across the domains of early care and education, health, mental health, and family support.
Helping parents find child care
We help parents take the guesswork out of choosing care by giving them referrals to local child care providers, information on state licensing requirements, availability of child care subsides and other pertinent information. We provide guidance by phone, in person, fax, mail and Internet.
Supporting families to raise healthy children
Through workshops, hot lines and newsletters, we reach out to parents with trusted, local information that enables them to make informed choices about all aspects of care for their children.
Building the supply of child care
We provide an entry point to the child care field, helping providers meet licensing requirements and become informed on health and safety, business practices and child development. We also work with local and state governments and the private sector to leverage resources for building and maintaining the supply of quality child care.
Improving the quality of child care
We provide ongoing professional development opportunities to child care providers and staff. By supporting accreditation and credentialing programs, helping create financial incentives for education, and advocating for better compensation for providers, we improve the quality of care for all children.
Bridging child care and education
We strive to create child care settings that help children grow and learn. Educating parents about early learning and the components of quality care is a major part of our services.
Documenting child care needs and trends
We are the primary source of information about the local supply and cost of child care. With our comprehensive, well-maintained database, we are able to track trends about the changing needs of families.
Engaging new partners
By reaching out to business leaders, law enforcement, school teachers and others, we help make child care an issue the entire community care about. We collaborate with other family support services to promote a holistic vision of child care that includes health, literacy and special needs.
Telling the child care story
By providing resources, documenting community needs, and creating new ways to meet those needs, we bring the voices of children, families and child care providers to the public.
COVID-19 Health & Safety Toolkit for Colorado Child Care Programs | Healthy Child Care Colorado
For training classes: Visit to register.
Interested in becoming a Family Child Care Provider? Please contact us at 303-914-6307.
For information on our training sessions, call our Training and Registration Information line at 303.914.6307 or email:
Core Child Care Resource and Referral Services include:
Helping parents find child care
We help parents take the guesswork out of choosing care by giving them referrals to local child care providers, information on state licensing requirements, availability of child care subsides and other pertinent information. We provide guidance by phone, in person, fax, mail and Internet.
Supporting families to raise healthy children
Through workshops, hot lines and newsletters, we reach out to parents with trusted, local information that enables them to make informed choices about all aspects of care for their children.
Building the supply of child care
We provide an entry point to the child care field, helping providers meet licensing requirements and become informed on health and safety, business practices and child development. We also work with local and state governments and the private sector to leverage resources for building and maintaining the supply of quality child care.
Improving the quality of child care
We provide ongoing professional development opportunities to child care providers and staff. By supporting accreditation and credentialing programs, helping create financial incentives for education, and advocating for better compensation for providers, we improve the quality of care for all children.
Bridging child care and education
We strive to create child care settings that help children grow and learn. Educating parents about early learning and the components of quality care is a major part of our services.
Documenting child care needs and trends
We are the primary source of information about the local supply and cost of child care. With our comprehensive, well-maintained database, we are able to track trends about the changing needs of families.
Engaging new partners
By reaching out to business leaders, law enforcement, school teachers and others, we help make child care an issue the entire community care about. We collaborate with other family support services to promote a holistic vision of child care that includes health, literacy and special needs.
Telling the child care story
By providing resources, documenting community needs, and creating new ways to meet those needs, we bring the voices of children, families and child care providers to the public.
- Colorado Department of Early Childhood
- Provider Update Form (printable version; return by mail or fax)
- Provider Update Form (editable version; return by email)
- Training on Disaster Preparedness can be found on the Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System (PDIS) website.
Child Care Innovations offers many training opportunities.
Child Care Innovations Child Care Licensing Staff.
Join providers from the greater Metro area to get questions answered about Child Care Licensing Rules and Regulations.
What to Expect:
A review of General Rules for Child Care Programs followed by breakout sessions to review specific rules and regulations for: family child care, child care centers, and school age child care.
Please have your rules & regulations available for reference.
Competencies addressed:
- PDL 5.2 Uses local, state, and national professional resources to reflect on, evaluate, and improve professional practices.
- PDL 6.1 Identifies and participates in professional opportunities to increase knowledge to improve practices.