You do not need health insurance to be seen in the Student Health & Counseling Center. We provide nearly all general medical care that would be similar to visiting a Family Practice Clinic.

The Student Health & Counseling Centers are supported by fees. All RRCC students have access to the services at the center. If you have not automatically paid the center fee, you have the ability to "opt in" by paying the fee at the cashiers department.
Visits with the medical providers on campus are free of charge (no co-pay) for students. You do not need health insurance to be seen in the Student Health & Counseling Center.
The center charges minimal fees for various services to cover the cost of materials (ex: stitches, wart removal, vaccinations, etc.)

The Student Health & Counseling Center is now offering medical services to all RRCC staff, faculty, and employees for a co-pay of $30 per visit. All medical services and pricing for procedures will remain the same for staff members. Please bring a valid employee ID to your visit. We take credit cards and cash at the center. This center does not process health insurance.

A general list of medical services is listed in the section below. Behavioral health counseling is available for students only. Employees may visit Human Resources for employee options for behavioral health counseling resources. Brief counseling to help with stress, depression, and other life challenges is provided by a licensed therapist from Jefferson Center for Mental Health. Visit the Behavioral Health webpage for additional information.

To schedule an appointment (for Lakewood and Arvada students), please call 303-914-6070. We see students by appointment only at this time. If we do not answer, please leave a message and we will return your call.

We will triage urgent patients within our scope of medical practice. Patients may be transferred to the nearest emergency department or urgent care as determined by the provider.
If you are experiencing a life threatening situation or illness, please call 911.
The Lakewood Campus Student Health & Counseling Center is located in the west end of the building in the Great Hall. Room 1569.
The Arvada Campus Student Health & Counseling Center is located in the health sciences building on the top floor. We are tucked away in a hallway just past the student life offices. Room 9420.
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Monday at Lakewood Campus a Medical and Behavioral Health Provider will be available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Tuesday at Lakewood Campus a Behavioral Health Provider will available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. and a Medical Provider will be available from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Tuesday at Arvada Campus a Medical Provider will be available from 9:00 -11:30 a.m. and then a Medical Assistant will be available from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
- Wednesday at Arvada Campus a Behavioral Health Provider will be available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. and a Medical Assistant will be available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Thursday at Lakewood Campus a Medical and Behavioral Health Provider will be available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Fridays at Lakewood Campus a Behavioral Health Provider will be available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. and a Medical Assistant will be available from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. and then again 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
- Fridays at Arvada Campus a Medical Provider will be available from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Summer hours and days are subject to change.

We are happy to announce that an additional center has been opened at the Arvada Campus to serve the health needs of students and employees!
Scope of Services
The Arvada Student Health & Counseling Center will provide all of the same care as the current Lakewood Student Health & Counseling Center on the Lakewood campus. Please refer to the medical services and pricing sections below, and other details on the web page for more information.
Behavioral Health Services will also be located within the Student Health & Counseling Center.
Who can be seen at the Arvada Student Health & Counseling Center?
All students, faculty, and employees may be seen at either center. Please be patient with our staff regarding records as we are unable to transfer records between campuses. This means that you may need to specify if you have been seen at the Lakewood center in the past and that you may have to re-fill out our demographics and medical history forms.
Thank you for your patience during this process!
The Student Health & Counseling Center is now offering medical services to all RRCC staff, faculty, and employees for a co-pay of $30 per visit. The co-pay covers the cost of seeing the medical provider at each visit. Students pay a fee per semester and are not required to pay a co-pay. Employees and students have access to the same in house testing and diagnostics. Some procedures and in center tests may have a small additional fee to cover the cost of materials. Lab work and imaging must be paid for by the employee if you choose to self-pay, or, we are happy to send a copy of your health insurance to the lab or imaging center for processing. Please bring a valid employee ID to your visit.
Why choose the Student Health & Counseling Center?
Some of you may not have insurance and may choose us as your primary care providers. Others may be insured, but sometimes convenience and shorter wait times may persuade you to use the Health Center at RRCC. We can save you time as the center is just a short walk to the west side of the Lakewood Campus. We also have a center located at the Arvada Campus in Arvada.
In some cases, we can also save you money. As a full functioning family practice office, we frequently accommodate walk in appointments for sick visits or acute injuries. Heading to the Emergency Department for an animal bite or in need of stitches can be an expensive endeavor, even with insurance! At the Student Health & Counseling Center, an acute care visit for stitches may only cost $50 ($30 co-pay + $20 materials fee = $50) which is less than a visit to the ED. (Kaiser insurance co-pay for the ED is $100).
Self Pay Options: Available for all employees
The self pay option for labs and imaging come at a highly discounted price. Colorado Laboratory Services offers a 40% discount of all lab tests and pathology when the patient pays their bill within 25 days. For example, most of the common lab tests (cholesterol panel, complete blood counts, thyroid test) cost approximately $32 dollars each when using the self pay option. Imaging tests vary in price according to what the test is, however, these are also discounted when paying at the time of your visit. Payment plans are also available through the imaging company to make more expensive tests more affordable.
Does having insurance help me at all? Yes, it does!
While the Student Health & Counseling Center does not process health insurance for reimbursement after caring for a patient, your health insurance can be used to pay for lab work and imaging studies. We simply send a copy of your insurance card to the external company where they processes your insurance. The center does not receive any payments through your insurance, we simply get the information needed to treat you appropriately. Any additional fees required by your insurance are the responsibility of the patient.
Important Information for Kaiser Insured Employees
Due to the nature of the Kaiser HMO, individuals with Kaiser Insurance may not have certain things covered at the Student Health & Counseling Center. Particularly, if lab work must be sent off site (cholesterol tests, metabolic panels, thyroid levels, etc.) it may be best to see your Kaiser provider. This is because the Student Health & Counseling Center is not part of the Kaiser HMO, and our lab (Colorado Laboratory Services) is excluded from Kaiser’s billing process. Similarly, medical imaging tests (X-rays, ultrasounds, etc.) may also not be covered.
Why would a Kaiser insured employee ever come to the Student Health & Counseling Center?
Convenience may be the number one reason as we are a fully functioning family practice and we are located just a short walk down the hall. The medical providers at Student Health & Counseling Center commonly guide patients about the most cost effective way to get needed tests, imaging, and prescriptions. If these things are needed, we have a self-pay pricing list that comes with a great discount to patients who are uninsured or who opt not to use their insurance. We also generally write prescriptions off the four and ten dollar lists at various pharmacies in the area, which are often cheaper than using your insurance.
If I have Kaiser Insurance, when is it appropriate to choose the Student Health & Counseling Center?
Generally, sick visits will be the most common reason. Other options that can help save time and money include: minor procedures such as stitches ($30 co-pay + $20 materials fee = $50 will be cheaper than a visit to the emergency department), needing a doctor’s note, prescription refills for common medicines, etc. Another reason to use the SHC is for a physical exam that requires a signature (health programs, travel abroad, childcare programs, camp counselors, outdoor education trips). If you have already had a physical in the last calendar year, your insurance will not pay for a second one. In this case, the Student Health & Counseling Center can be a great, inexpensive, and convenient way to solve this problem.
We encourage you to utilize this great service for any reason of your choosing. We will do our best to help you navigate through the healthcare system in order to receive the best care possible.
For specific questions or concerns, please feel free to call 303.914.6546
Who can be seen at the Student Health & Counseling Center?
ALL currently enrolled students of Red Rocks Community College. This includes full-time and part-time students, online students, students in the fire academy, and students who are completing an internship. Some students may have to pay the health center fee (approximately $21 per semester) prior to being seen.
ALL employees of Red Rocks Community College (full time, part time, adjunct, etc.) can be seen at the SHC for a co-pay of $30 per visit. Please visit the For Employees section above for more information.
Do I need health insurance to be seen at the Student Health & Counseling Center?
No health insurance is needed. Student fees are used to help pay for the majority of the costs to have a health center on campus. Some services may require payment to help off-set costs (ex: vaccinations) but costs have been kept as minimal as possible.
If I have health insurance, can I still be seen at the Student Health & Counseling Center?
Yes. Your student fees cover the cost of seeing the providers at the center, but health insurance can be helpful if you need to have lab work drawn or if you need medical imaging.
What if I need lab work or medical imaging but I don’t have insurance?
The Student Health & Counseling Center has created partnerships with various businesses in the community who give self-pay patients a great rate.
If I have health insurance, can I opt out of the Student Health Fee?
No. The Student Health & Counseling Center fee is a part of your regular student fees while attending school at RRCC. While some students may need to opt-in, those who pay regular student fees may not opt-out.
Can I get a band aid at the center?
Yes. We are happy to clean up and bandage small wounds, or simply give you a band aid. We will also make sure that you do not need additional medical care (such as stitches or a Tetanus shot) when you stop by.
What should I do in an emergency situation?
If you are unable to get to the center, call 911 from a campus phone (or 303.914.6394 from a cell phone) and you will be connected with Campus Police. They will act as your emergency response team and will follow appropriate procedures to take care of you. If you present to the center with an urgent medical problem, we will triage you and assist you within our scope of practice. We may have to call 911 and send you to the Emergency Room or refer you to an Urgent Care depending on severity of illness or injury.
All RRCC Health Programs require a physical exam, proof of vaccinations, and a TB test in order to complete the program requirements. The Student Health & Counseling Center provides health program physicals for signature and verification of vaccinations at NO COST for current students. Vaccinations and TB tests are available for whole sale cost (if needed.)
Health Programs requiring a Physical for Signature and Vaccinations:
Physician Assistant, Sonography, Radiology Tech, EMT, Medical Assistant, CNA, RN refresher
Other programs: The RRCC Fire Academy and Police Academy also require a physical exam. Vaccinations may not be required- check with your department for the most up to date information.
All physical exam and vaccination requirements are determined by individual departments. Please direct questions/concerns to your department contact.
Please schedule program physical appointments by calling 303.914.6655 (Lakewood) or 303.914.6070 (Arvada). The Student Healthand Counseling Center may not be able to accommodate walk-ins or same day physicals due to the high volume of patients. Please plan accordingly.
What to Bring:
Please bring a copy of your childhood and adult vaccinations to your visit. Many records are kept by parents, pediatrician offices, and past colleges. We highly recommend putting in the work to find your vaccinations as the cost of being re-immunized can be expensive. If vaccine records cannot be found, the providers will guide you regarding the best way to test for immunity (lab draws) or get booster shots for required vaccinations. For more information about vaccinations for healthcare workers, please visit the CDC vaccine website.
What to expect:
- Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork regarding your past medical history, medications, family history, etc. Those who are late for their appointments will have to re-schedule at a later date and time.
- Your appointment with the Provider may last up to 30 minutes.
- Allow for additional time for TB test placement, vaccinations, or lab draws if applicable.
- TB tests must be read 48-72 hours after placed! You must be able to return to the center approximately 2 days later to have it read. If you miss this appointment the TB test will have to be re-placed at the patient's expense. TB tests are only placed on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. TB tests placed on Tuesday at the Lakewood campus must be able to have the test read on Thursday at the Arvada campus or Friday at the Lakewood campus.
Other Physicals for Signature:
We are happy to complete physical exams for other needs such as daycare employees, camp counselors, and international travel/study abroad.
Physicals for Accessibility Services will be evaluated on a one-on-one basis. Some patients may require specialized testing that is not available in the center. Referrals will be made for such patients.
*We are unable to provide specialized physical exam for CDOT due to the specific certification and training needed to provide these physicals.*
- Annual Physical Exams
- Health Program Physicals (see section above)
- Multiple sick visits or consultations as needed
- Evaluation and Treatment of Common Illnesses
- STI Testing and Counseling
- Women’s Health: Well Woman Exam (breast exam and PAP smear), Birth Control Counseling
- Dermatology (skin) Evaluations: acne, warts, moles, rashes, bites, infections, etc.
- Diet and exercise counseling
- Smoking/tobacco cessation counseling, referrals, and prescriptions
- In - Office Procedures: stitches, toe nail removal, wart removal, etc. ($)
- Pregnancy Testing ($) (free if ordered by the provider for medical reasons)
- Vaccinations: MMR, Hepatitis B, TDap (Tetanus and Pertussis), and TB tests ($)
- Seasonal Flu Shots ($)
- Lab work ($ or charged to patient's insurance)
- Imaging (xray, ultrasound, etc.): orders sent to outside imaging company ($ or charge to patient's insurance)
- Prescriptions for non-controlled medications may be given as determined by a provider.
- Prescriptions must be filled at an outside pharmacy of your choice.
- Prescriptions for controlled substances will NOT be provided under ANY circumstances: Narcotics, sleep aids (Lunesta or Ambien), ADHD medicines, anti-anxiety, or mental health medications.
- Prescriptions for Mental Health diagnoses will not be provided at this center. Please see Behavioral Health Services.
- This center does not keep any narcotic/pain medications on campus.
Payment for Procedures, Vaccines, and Tests:
- While the cost of the office visit is covered, you will be charged for certain in-office procedures, tests, medications, and vaccines in order to cover the cost of materials.
- All external laboratory tests and imaging must be paid for by the patient.
- This includes those needed to make a diagnosis during an exam.
- The Student Health & Counseling Center works with outside vendors who provide a lower cost cash pay option for patient's who are not insured.
- External lab tests and imaging may be charged to the patient's insurance, if applicable, at the patient's discretion.
- All payments and billing is handled through external companies. The Student Health & Counseling Center does not profit from external services.
Student Health & Counseling Center Pricing List
Student Fees
If you are a student fee paying student, you have already paid the Student Health & Counseling Center fee and can utilize our services for the duration of your enrollment at RRCC. For students who do not pay fees (ex: online classes) you have the ability to opt-in by paying the fee (approximately $21 per semester/$11 in the summer) at the cashiers office.
Employee Fees
All RRCC employees (staff, faculty, admin, adjunct, part-time, etc.) may now utilize the Student Health & Counseling Center for a co-pay of $30 per visit. An employee ID must be presented at the time of your visit.
The Student Health and Counseling Center has several common vaccinations available at a whole-sale cost. During the summer of 2015 we did a comparative cost analysis of our vaccine prices compared to other local places that offer vaccines. We are proud to offer vaccines at a lower cash price than other local places. Additional vaccines may be available if needed. No co-pay required for employees to receive vaccines.
How do I know if I need a vaccination?
With the exception of a yearly flu shot, all other vaccines should be discussed with a health care provider. The physician assistants and medical assistant at the Student Health & Counseling Center are able to medically recommend vaccinations based on past immunization records and personal need. For students going into any of the health programs at RRCC, immunizations are required for many of those programs. More details are available in the Health Program Physicals section above.
In Center Testing, Treatment, and Procedures
Due to the high cost of medical materials, we charge a small fee for certain in center tests and procedures.
Laboratory Testing
We work with Quest Laboratory Services for all of our lab and pathology orders. These tests are at the expense of the patient. Quest has a self pay program that offers many common tests at a discounted price to patients who do not have insurance. A 40% discount is applied to the patient's bill when the patient pays the bill within 25 days.
Lab and pathology requests are ordered at the discretion of the provider and are based on medical justification and medical need.
If you have insurance we are happy to submit your insurance with the lab order.
The Student Health and Counseling Center is not responsible for cost and payment of any tests submitted to Quest.
Similar to lab testing, we work with Touchstone Imaging, a company that offers a self pay option for patients who do not have insurance. Imaging tests include x-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, MRI, etc. All tests are ordered at the discretion of the Provider. Patient's are responsible for all billing and payment. If a patient has insurance, they may opt to submit their insurance to Touchstone Imaging for processing.
The Student Health & Counseling Center is not responsible for any additional costs or payment of any tests submitted to Quest, Touchstone Imagine, or any other outside imaging or lab company.
The Student Health & Counseling Center is only open M-Th from 9-4 but we know that sometimes you may need help after hours! Below is a list of local urgent care clinics. They are listed in order by nearest to the RRCC Lakewood Campus.
Local Urgent Care Facilities:
Concentra Urgent Care
11185 W. 6th Ave. Lakewood, CO 80215
Phone: 303.239.6060
Fax: 303.239.6046
After hours: 303.370.0454
Hours of Operation:
(Mon. - Fri.) 8am - 6pm
Physical Therapy Hours:
(Mon. - Fri.) 8am - 6pm
AFC Urgent Care Lakewood
AFC Urgent Care Lakewood
Rapid strep, STI testing, UC, Physical Exams, Sports injury, Acute illness, Sinus infection, and a walk-in clinic (lab testing and vaccinations).
12105 W. Alameda Pkwy #100
Lakewood, CO 80228
Open 7 days a week: M-F: 8-8 and Sat/Sun: 8-5
Walgreens Health Care Clinic
Address: 10808 W Jewell Ave, Lakewood, CO 80232
Phone: 303.914.1088
Open: 7 Days a Week
Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Urgent Care of Colorado
9116 West Bowles Avenue Suite #3A Littleton, Colorado 80123
Phone: 303.904.2600
Open: 7 Days a Week
Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
How is Urgent Care different than a trip to the ER?
Urgent care centers are designed to treat those who need attention quickly but do not require the services of an emergency room visit. Urgent care centers do not require appointments and typically maintain more flexible hours (including weekend and evening hours) than most doctors’ offices. Any threat to life, limb or eye sight should go to the emergency department. Chest pain, chest pressure, severe difficulty breathing, strokes, amputations, seizures, drug overdoses, severe burns, severe abdominal pain are examples of these conditions.
The following Student Health & Counseling Center forms are available for download:
- Medical Intake Form (pdf)
- Mental Health Intake Form (pdf)
- Release of Information (pdf)
- Underage Consent Form (pdf)
Arvada Student Health & Counseling Center
We are excited to open a center at the Arvada campus soon. We are busy ordering all the necessary supplies and getting ready to install and stock the center. Our goal is to open the first week of school, however, if Arvada is not yet open, all students may still be seen at the Lakewood campus.
Flu Shots
The Student Health & Counseling Center should have flu shots available by the end of September. Look for updates around campus or on our website.
Symptoms of the Influenza virus include high fever, runny nose, and cough, moderate to severe muscle aches and joint pain, and feeling run down. The best way to protect against the flu is to get a yearly flu shot and to practice good hand hygiene. Hand sanitizers or soap and water work effectively as long as you wash your hands frequently throughout the day.
Are you in a health program at RRCC and forgot to get your flu shot this year? Students in all health programs are required to get a flu shot in order to go out on their clinical rotations.
Flu shots are available at the Student Health & Counseling Center for $25. No appointment necessary. Call 303.914.6655 (Lakewood) or 303.914.6070 (Arvada) for more information.
For Employees: The SHC is now able to see all RRCC employees!
Employees are able to utilize the Student Health & Counseling Center for a co-pay of $30 per visit. Please visit the section above labeled "For Employees" for more information.
Peer Coaching and Quit Meds
To get set up with a Peer Tobacco Quit Coach (also free), call 303.239.7022 and an appointment will be arranged for you. The Student Health & Counseling Center can also provide quit med prescriptions and referrals to the Colorado Quitline who, under certain agreements and conditions, can provide the patch free of charge.