Official Functions/Training Approval Form


Official Function: A meeting, conference, meal, or other function that is hosted by the chief executive officer, or representative, of a state agency or institution of higher education, attended by guests and/or state employees, and held for official state business purposes.

Training Function: A meeting, conference, or other function which is hosted by a state agency or institution of higher education, attended by customers of the state and/or state employees, and held to enhance staff knowledge or to educate customers of the state or state employees, that are affected by the state agency or institution of higher education’s operations or regulations. Training functions must have a written agenda, and should have study materials and be led by an identified presenter. If training functions include at least 4 hours of staff training-lunch may be provided subject to budget availability and Vice President or President approval.

Fiscal Rule 2-7: Official functions and training functions shall be held to achieve program objectives and shall be limited to reasonable and actual costs. The attendance of state employees at official functions shall be kept to a minimum and shall include only those individuals directly related to the purpose of the function. Expenditures shall be kept to a minimum as they have the potential of being perceived to be for personal benefit and an abuse of public funds. Expenditures incurred for official functions shall be approved by the chief executive officer or by a representative of the state agency or institution of higher education that has been delegated authority by the chief executive officer.


Official Function Approval Form

Official Function Frequently Asked Questions new FAQ coming soon

Internal Catering Request Form

Official Function Flow Chart  updated flow chart coming soon

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