police lights

Law Enforcement Academy

An intensive 17–18-week instructional program that satisfies the Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (POST) certification requirements. Colorado Law requires that candidates for peace officer and parole positions be POST certified before they work as a law enforcement officer. Our graduates have gone on to join police departments, sheriff’s offices, and state agencies.
Lakewood Campus
Why Choose RRCC?
What makes us unique –

Being attached to a community college gives us a unique perspective within the landscape of law enforcement. Students that complete our program graduate with 39 college level credit hours, and an education focused on community policing. We strive to develop a cadet that will not only be able to pass the Colorado POST Exam but will understand their place in the community as a protector of every citizen. 

In addition to required POST curriculum, we provide several additional classes to better prepare them for success in their careers, such as drone training, radio and body camera familiarization, de-escalation, learning for success, any many more. 

We work intensively with many Denver area police and sheriff’s departments. Most of our instructors are active police officers, sheriff’s deputies, district attorneys, and they have recruited our graduates in the past. We currently have graduates employed with police departments and sheriff’s offices in Silverthorne, Golden, Lakewood, Arvada, Boulder, Longmont, Grand County, Clear Creek County, and many, many more across the state.

Program Overview

We currently have police academy classes twice a year, Spring and Fall. The typical hours are 8:00 am-5:00 pm, with some mandatory night classes, Monday-Friday.  A 6-month Part-Time academy will be offered 6:00 pm-10:00pm Monday through Friday and 8:00am-5:00pm Saturdays, dependent on student enrollment. 

Here are some of the things you will learn while enrolled at the RRCC LEA

Accident Investigation
Area Search and Perimeter
Communicable Diseases- Bio Hazard Awareness
Alternatives to Deadly Force
Arrest Control Tactics: CSP- "DTAC"
Arson Investigation
Building Searches (includes practical exercise)
Burglary and Theft Investigation
Child Abuse and Interviewing Children
Civil Liability/Civil Disputes
Colorado Criminal Code/Related Federal Statutes

  • Crimes against Children
  • Crimes against Persons
  • Crimes against Property
  • Fraud Offenses
  • Inchoate Offenses
  • Mental States
  • Public Order Crimes
  • Controlled Substances

Colorado Juvenile Code
Community Policing/Crime prevention
Court System
Crime Prevention
Crime Scene Photography
Crime Scene Search, Notes, and Sketch
Crowd Control
Death Investigation
Drone Pilot training
DUI Enforcement/SFST (Wet lab exercises)
Ethnic Intimidation
Firearms Safety and Training
Handling In-Progress Calls
HAZMAT and Biohazard Awareness
Hostage/Crisis Negotiation
Identification and Collection of Evidence
Identification of Suspects
Identity Theft
Incident Command Status (NIMS/ICS)
Interaction with Special Populations
Interview and Interrogation
Introduction to the Criminal Justice System

Introduction to Judicial Process
Investigating Gang Activity
Latent Fingerprints
Law Enforcement Organizations
Law Enforcement Driving- Colorado State Patrol
Law Enforcement Ethics
Law Enforcement Role in Terrorism
Laws of Arrest, Search, and Seizure
Laws pertaining to the Use of Force
Legal Research
Mock Crime Scene and Moot Court
Mock Oral Boards
NCIC/CCIC Procedures
Officer Survival
Patrol Observation and Perception
Pedestrian Contacts
Physical Fitness- CSP Crossfit Style
Police/Community Relations
Preliminary Investigation
Physiology and Response of Violence in Domestic Situations
Professional/Military Bearing
Rapid Emergency Deployment
Report Writing
Risk Assessment Responses
Roles of Prosecutors/Defense
Rules of Evidence
Sexual Assault Investigation
Sexual Harassment
Taser Use
Testifying in Court
Traffic Code and Enforcement
Traffic Direction
United States Constitution
Vehicle Contacts and Searches
Verbal Skills Training
Vice and Narcotics Investigation
Victims' Rights
White Collar and Computer Crimes
and more.

Degrees & Certificates
Faculty & Staff

AJ Cifuents

Program Specialist

Mikenzie Terry

Assistant Director of LEA

Thomas Williams

Director of LEA
students at table
Tuition Savings

Becoming a student at RRCC prepares you for transfer to a four-year university, prepares you for an exciting new career or can enhance your current skills.

four female students
Academic Programs

Red Rocks Community College offers courses in Arvada, Lakewood and online as well as hybrid courses.

high school students
Transfer Options

In collaboration with Colorado 4-year schools, Colorado has developed a statewide guaranteed transfer program to create a seamless transfer.

Become a Student

Becoming a student at RRCC prepares you for transfer to a four-year university, prepares you for an exciting new career or can enhance your current skills.