Patrons often leave their property in the Campus, then return to attempt to recover it. While the Police Department is not responsible for personal items left in the Campus, a reasonable attempt will be made to return the lost item to its owner and to hold the particular item for a specified period of time before disposal. This policy provides guidelines for addressing this issue.
The Red Rocks Campus Police Department serves as a repository of Campus-wide lost and found items. Reasonable efforts should be made to determine and notify the owner (including phone calls, email, or a letter to the person’s last known address, if possible). Depending on the type of item, the property may be held up to 60 days before disposal. While the retention period and manner of disposal depends on the item, most fall into the following table:
- "Hi-Val" identity items such as wallets, checkbooks, payroll checks, credit/debit cards, drivers licenses, ID cards, etc. – held up to 60 days, then
returned to issuing agency or destroyed. - Other "Hi-Val" items such as cell phones, cameras, portable music players, electronics, jewelry, umbrellas, watches, keys, and medications –
also held for 60 days, then donated to a local charity (or, as in the case of medications and keys, destroyed). - Clothing, eyeglasses, book bags, backpacks, books, and calculators, – held up to 30 days, and then donated to charity.
- Large items, such as bicycles, may be provided to the local Police Department for further disposition after being held for 10 days.
- Hazardous and perishable items may be discarded immediately.
- All unclaimed money will be provided to the nonprofit Red Rocks Community College Foundation fund after 60 days.
Ownership may be proven by any means which would convince a reasonable person that the claimant is the owner of the property (e.g., recent date of claim, detailed description, other personal identification, etc.).