We Want Your Success!

The Assessment/Testing Center administers the academic placement test, as well as instructor-supplied classroom tests for RRCC students.

The Red Rocks Community College Assessment and Testing Center provides professional and comfortable testing facilities in the western metropolitan and foothills Denver area for:

  • RRCC Students
  • Test proctoring services for external students
  • Industry certification/licensure testing

For students who have just applied, please check out the requirements for taking a placement test. The state of Colorado requires placement testing for a number of students. RRCC also has a number of programs that require parts of this test for every applicant.

We are located in the Student Welcome Center, adjacent to the Admissions/Advising area at the main entrance of our main campus building.

We also assist students and faculty in assessing requests for college credits for prior learning, PLA, or Portfolio credit. The Testing Center also hosts the College Board’s College Level Examination Program, CLEP; these tests enable students to schedule an examination to earn academic credit to bypass certain college courses.

Helpful Information

Placement testing helps to determine a student's competency in basic skills. Results of the testing process ensure that students are enrolled in the English and math classes that align with their level of proficiency. Academic success in English and math is critical for future academic progression in all areas of study; therefore, placement testing helps determine if the student is ready for college-level work in those areas or if they need to enroll in courses that build their skills for future success.

The state of Colorado requires placement testing for a number of students. RRCC also has a number of programs that require parts of this test for every applicant.

There are a number of ways students can show readiness. Take this quick survey to see which option is best for you. 

You must show a valid state-issued or federal-issued photo ID (your phone is NOT a valid ID) and given instructions on the exam.  

The placement test is a computer test. The Exam is not timed, but you can expect to take about 1 1/2 to 3 hours to complete all the tests.

Test scores are immediate, and you will be advised on your placement.  After assessment scores are put in your record, you will be able to register for classes based on your results.

Visit the Study Guides area for information regarding assessment preparation. Preparation on your part will make a big difference on how well you do on the assessment. It is very important to review the materials there and determine if you are ready to assess. Testing is designed to be done only one time so be ready to do your best work.

We offer self-guided assessment.

The self-guided assessments were created to help you determine the appropriate levels of course work that align with your personal educational goals, skills and abilities.  Before taking the self-guided assessment survey, take a few minutes to read about  the courses options, as well as reflect on your previous school experiences.

Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

English self-guided assessment 

College Algebra self-guided assessment

Liberal Arts Math self-guided assessment

* Please allow 2 business days to process self-guided assessments

Accuplacer Basic Skills Assessment

View or download the Accuplacer Basic Skills Assessment (.pdf)

Preparation/Study Guide

Welcome to ACCUPLACER. In addition to administering ACCUPLACER to students, the platform provides a variety of materials to help you navigate the program. Check out the Resources tab to locate manuals, guides, and other helpful resources which you can find here: https://practice.accuplacer.org. This practice resembles the real testing environment – including the calculator and highlighter functionalities, and features like Learn As You Go and the ability to save practice test history. 

Math Preparation videos Video Presentations by RRCC Math Faculty Craig Faulhaber

Inside the test

Four Ways to Become a Good Test Taker

Download free study App

Mathematics Links


All academic tests must be scheduled.  Please contact the Assessment Center by calling (303) 914-6727 or e-mailing RRCC.AssessmentCenter@rrcc.edu.

The Assessment Center offers academic testing for Red Rocks Community College students to take tests outside of their traditional class setting in our testing rooms.  Students work directly with their instructor if they need to take a classroom test at another time since the instructor must bring the test to the Assessment Center.

After an instructor has informed students that the test is on file in the Assessment Center, students must bring a state or federal picture ID (i.e.: Student College ID, physical driver’s license, passport, etc.) to show before testing (please be aware that your phone is NOT a valid ID). We have no facilities for underage children to wait for someone who is testing, so please make appropriate arrangements for childcare outside of the college.

We have lockers to store your personal items. We do not allow the following items in our testing rooms:

  • Any electronic device including cell phones, watches, Fitbits, cameras
  • Food and beverages
  • Outerwear including hats, coats, jackets, vests
  • Other small items including lip balm, tissues, wallet, keys, cases, sunglasses, weapons

When you check in at the Assessment Center, we will confirm your class and the test you are taking.  We will review your instructor’s test instructions: whether or not you may use your textbook, notes, or calculator for example.  You will be seated at a desk with the appropriate materials We have pencils and scratch paper for you. If your test has a specific time limit, we have clocks in our testing rooms so that you can monitor your time.

We monitor by video cameras as well as by physically walking through the rooms and viewing through the windows into the testing rooms, so if you have any difficulty, we are available.  Naturally, we cannot offer any input or clarification of your test questions or its content.

No tests are given out within 30 of closing. ALL tests are collected at closing.

If you have any questions, please stop by to see us.  The Assessment Center is located on the main floor, adjacent to the Admissions Counter, directly across from the RRCC Main Entrance.

Please submit the following prior to testing.


Please note that some programs require testing regardless of prior college course work or testing scores. Please check your program to determine when and what requirements are necessary.

  • If you are an international student, please contact Admissions regarding your requirements.
  • If you don't have college-level ACT/SAT scores or other credits or college course work, you will need to test.
  • If you are a high school or concurrent enrollment student please contact High School Relations for more details.
Math and English Exemption

Student will not need to test in Math and English if the high school transcript/ACT/SAT show:

Exemption Criteria for High School Transcripts

Math Quantitative (MAT 1240, 1260, 1220/1230)

  • Algebra II taken with the last 18 months
  • ≥B grade in that class
  • GPA ≥3.0 un-weighted

Math Algebraic (MAT 1340)

  • Pre-Calculus taken with the last 18 months
  • ≥B grade in that class
  • GPA ≥3.0 un-weighted

MAT Career Technical (MAT 1140, 1150)

  •  Algebra II taken with the last 18 months
  • ≥B grade in that class
  • GPA ≥3.0 un-weighted

English (ENG 1021)

  • Junior Year English taken with the last 24 months
  • ≥B grade in that class
  • GPA ≥3.0 un-weighted

Exemption Criteria ACT/SAT

Math Quantitative (MAT 1240, 1260, 1220/1230)

  • ACT  19
  • SAT 500

Math Algebraic (MAT 1340)

  • ACT 23
  • SAT 560

English (ENG 1021)

  • ACT 18
  • SAT 470

If you have ACT/SAT scores, college transcript, or high school transcript (less than five years old) that show you are college ready please submit the unofficial transcripts to the RRCC Student Records for evaluation prior to testing. 

Contact the RRCC Student Records:

Student Records Email: student.records@rrcc.edu
Student Records Fax: 303.989.6919

Your UNOFFICIAL transcript should be:

Upload your transcript and include your name, student number (S#), and the course(s) you wish to register for. Your request may take up to 5 business days; please plan ahead.


You may meet with an Advisor at either the Lakewood or Arvada campus to discuss your academic plan and the prerequisites you will need. Bring a copy of your transcript(s).

In order to have your courses transferred into Red Rocks, you must send an official transcript

Accuplacer Basic Skills Assessment

View or download the Accuplacer Basic Skills Assessment

Other Credits

If you have AP, IB, CLEP, DSST, or UXCEL credits, please submit them and any official transcript/score report to Student Records for evaluation. The official transcript or score report must be sent directly from the issuing institution/organization to:

Student Records

Red Rocks Community College
13300 W. 6th Ave.
Campus Box 8
Lakewood, CO 80228-1255

Please refer any questions regarding official transcript evaluations to student.records@rrcc.edu

We serve the licensing and certification needs of the western metropolitan and foothills area of Denver. We administer professional tests for a wide variety of industries, including:

  • Construction
  • Customer Service
  • Finance
  • Information Technology
  • Service Industry
  • Transportation

The Red Rocks Community College Assessment Center hosts 6 major testing companies that provide industry certification and licensure tests. We support the certification needs of our own students as well as those of the Denver western metropolitan area.

We support these computer and internet-based testing programs.  Test candidates must register and make the test fee payments through the host companies listed above.

Please remember to bring two forms of identification when you come to test!  We look forward to meeting your testing needs.

If you need to take a test for another institution in a proctored environment, we offer this service. The fee is $25 per test for the first two hours and $10 for each additional hour. All appointment-based exams must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.  Please call us at 303.914.6727 to schedule a test time and date.

Tests scheduled the same day will be accepted only if the schedule allows.  The fee for walk-in testers is $50.

We can host traditional paper/pencil exams or internet-based tests (no personal laptops). It is the responsibility of the student to contact their school to arrange to have the test sent to Red Rocks, or to have the necessary website/password information sent, if the test is web-based. Please use the following contact information:

Mailing address for traditional tests:

Assessment Center
Red Rocks Community College
13300 West Sixth Avenue
Lakewood CO 80228
Box 24

Contact information for internet-based tests:

Assessment Center

RRCC also offers testing for both the College Level Examination Program/CLEP  and the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests/DSST    You will purchase the test on their website.  We charge a proctoring fee of $25/test. Click here to pay your fee.   

All testing will be done by appointment only. You can schedule an appointment by calling (303) 914-6727 or e-mail us at RRCC.AssessmentCenter@rrcc.edu.We are committed to serving you.

If you need to take a test for another institution in a proctored environment, we offer this service. The fee is $25 per test for the first two hours and $10 for each additional hour. All appointment based exams must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.  Please call us at 303.914.6727 to schedule a test time and date.

Same day scheduled or walk-in proctored test will be accepted only if the schedule allows.  The fee for walk-in or same day scheduled tests is $50.

We can host traditional paper/pencil exams or Internet-based tests (no personal laptops). It is the responsibility of the student to contact their school to arrange to have the test sent to Red Rocks, or to have the necessary website/password information sent, if the test is web-based. Please use the following contact information:

Mailing address for traditional tests:

Assessment Center
Red Rocks Community College
13300 West Sixth Avenue
Lakewood CO 80228
Box 24

Contact information for Internet-based tests:

Assessment Center


Academic Placement Testing

If you’re a new student, the state of Colorado requires you take an academic placement test before you can enroll in classes (unless you qualify for an exemption). This assessment will help us place you in the right courses when you start at Red Rocks Community College.

How will assessment help me?

Assessment will help determine your skill levels in English and Math. Placement information will assist you in selecting courses in which you are likely to succeed. If you feel you have either a learning disability or physical disability which might adversely affect your test results, you should contact the Accessibility Services at 303.914.6733 before testing.

Who must be assessed?

Matriculation requires that all new students to college be assessed in English and Math. Students are exempt from placement testing and assessment if they have earned an Associate or Bachelor Degree (from US College or University) or have completed college course work in English and Math (college transcript proof required.)

All students must be assessed if they plan to:

  • Earn a degree or certificate;
  • Enroll in any English or Math courses
  • Enroll in any core level course.
  • Under the age of 21 (Department of Education requirement)
Can I use my transcript from another college instead of testing?

Courses can be used to meet prerequisites.  Courses must meet the prerequisite requirement, courses description and pass with a “C” or higher.

Official transcripts may be mailed directly from your previous college(s), emailed from your college or they may be hand carried in a sealed envelope. If you open the envelope it will be considered unofficial.

Official Transcripts can be mailed to:

Student Records, Box 8
Red Rocks Community College
13300 W 6th Ave
Lakewood CO 80228-1255

Can I use ACT or SAT scores for placement?

If you have qualifying ACT or SAT scores from within the past five years for Reading & English and within the past two years for Math, please supply your score report and we will enter those scores for you. 

How do I retrieve my test results and placements?
  • Go to www.rrcc.edu and click on “The Rock” icon;
  • You will need to sign in with your Student ID# and password;
  • Then you will need to click on your Student Tab;
  • Look for Degree Check at bottom left hand corner of the page and click on the “Degree Check!” icon;  
  • A screen appears with your placement test scores and any exemptions or prior college coursework that has been entered.
What are the re-test policies?

The exam can be taken up to three times before the first semester of enrollment. For all subsequent semesters, you are allowed one opportunity to retest.

  • Retests can be given as soon as the following business day after the first, second and third tests.
  • Retests cannot be given on the same day according to the College Board. A Student ID number (S#) and a valid, government –issued photo ID are required for all Accuplacer tests, including retests.

An Academic Placement Test is required for placement into traditional and online courses in the following cases.

  • For any student 19 years old or younger
  • For any student pursuing a degree program
  • For any student taking an English or Math class
  • For any student taking a class that has college level reading, writing, or math requirements; these requirements will be shown in the Course Catalog Course Description.

Our goal is for all students to be successful and our faculty believes that students must be given the best information to make good course choices. If you have qualifying ACT or SAT test scores no older than 5 years, that meet the following minimum scores, please fax them to us at 303.914.6457.

  • Reading Requirement: ACT Reading score of 17 or better; SAT Critical Reading score of 430 or better
  • English Requirement: ACT English score of 18 or better; SAT Critical Reading score of 440 or better
  • Math Requirement: ACT Math score of 19 or better; SAT Math score of 460 or better

For Placement Testing, please see our Placement Testing section for instructions.

PLA Credit lets students earn college credit for knowledge gained beyond the classroom—whether through work experience, military service, or self-study. It’s a smart way to accelerate your degree and save time and money. Click here for additional information on this opportunity. 

Unofficial ACT, SAT, Accuplacer or equivalent Placement Test scores from within the past five years for English and math may be submitted through fax, email, or in person at the Testing Center. Please include your Red Rocks Community College student ID number.

The minimum test scores for exemption are as follows:


  • English: 18
  • Math: 19 (Math 120)  23 (Math 121)


  • Critical Reading: 470 for English exemption
  • Math: 500 (Math 120) 590 (Math 121)

Email: assessment.center@rrcc.edu
Fax: 303.914.6757
Mailing address: RRCC Assessment Center, 13300 W. 6th Ave., Lakewood, CO 80228.

For Jefferson County students only:

If you were a Jefferson County student that took Accuplacer or an equivalent placement test at your high school through an authorized a Red Rocks Community College site; the assessment center may able to retrieve your Accuplacer/placement test scores. We would need your birth date, the semester you took the test and your name. You can call or stop by the assessment center with this information. If we are able to retrieve the results, please give us your Red Rocks Community College student ID number so we can input your scores.

Contact information for transcripts/scores

High school chemistry completion – if your chemistry classes were taken within the last five years, contact your high school to send you transcripts. They can be received by mail, e-mail and fax

It is the mission of the Red Rocks Community College Assessment and Testing Centers to provide:

  • assessment testing as legislated by C.R.S. 21-1-113 for college placement  
  • high quality professional testing environment, exemplary customer service by being friendly, courteous and informative,
  • services for computer and/or paper-pencil based testing for student, faculty, staff, campus, community, and business partners,
  • while demonstrating our commitment to our values in human relationships, personal excellence, human dignity, diversity, and our commitment to lifelong learning,
  • and ascribing to guidelines of the National College Testing Association Professional Standards.

All testing will be done by appointment only. You can schedule an appointment by calling (303) 914-6727 or e-mail us at RRCC.AssessmentCenter@rrcc.edu . We are committed to serving you.

Hours and Contact Information

email: RRCC.AssessmentCenter@rrcc.edu

Lakewood Assessment Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Phone: 303-914-6727

Room 1326 & 1328


Arvada Assessment Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Phone Number: 303-914-6075

Room: 7117

Our Team

Cheryl Lammers-Sanft

Assessment/Testing Specialist

Johanna Shulman

VH-Testing & Evaluation Specialist - Assessment Center

Stephanie Studebaker

VH-Testing & Evaluation Specialist - Arvada Assessment Center

Andrew Mills

Part Time Faculty

Musette Sieminski

Manager - Assessment Center, Part-time Faculty - Mathematics

John Stein

Part Time Instructor - Mathematics; Assessment/Testing Specialist