Deciding where to start your college education is a big decision. Whether you are earning a degree, brushing up on career skills, or seeking life-long learning, you will enjoy an environment of inspiration and support. It is our goal to create an experience that will enrich your life educationally, professionally, and personally to help you succeed!
The Precision Machining program at Red Rocks Community College offers multiple pathways that guide students toward their professional and academic goals. If you want to work in the advanced manufacturing industry, the program offers continuing education courses, certificate pathways, and an associate of applied science degree that can be transferred to a 4 year degree program.
TAACCCT grants funded through the U.S. Department of Labor were used for the development, redesign and adaptation of all machining courses leading to the A.A.S. degree and certificates.
Anyone who has graduated from high school, received a GED, or is age 21 or older may attend Warren Tech by enrolling through Red Rocks Community College and paying RRCC tuition. Adults attend Warren Tech on a space-available basis.
Career Paths
- Tool-and-Die Maker
- Instrument Maker
- Experimental Machinist
- Precision Machinist
- Model and Mold Maker
- Electric Motor/Generator Assembler
- Aircraft Power Plant Assembler
- Quality and Assurance Inspector
- Production and Operations Manager
- Production Planning Analyst
- Process Design Specialist