Community Partnerships
What makes RRCC Theatre and Dance Department Unique?
...Community Partnerships
The RRCC Theatre Arts & Dance Department does not operate in a bubble. Our favorite productions and collaborations happen with artists in our community and beyond. We are always open to working with friends in the Denver area (and thanks to the pandemic, far beyond our state online) to build a production, workshop, or other opportunity.
Some of these community connections include:
- KCACTF (Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival)
- The Historic Elitch Theatre
- The Arvada Center
- Westminster Public Schools
- Jeffco Public Schools
- Arapahoe High School
- The Catamounts
- Su Teatro
- Wheat Ridge Theatre Company
- Curious Theatre Company
- One Night Stand Theater
- The Denver Center for the Performing Arts
- The United States Institute for Theatre Technology (US ITT)
- Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)
RRCC Student Life and academic programs at the college including:
Art, Criminal Justice, History, Sociology, Humanities, P.A. program, English, Biology, Multi-Media, Psychology, Business, the Gateway Program, and the Marvin Buckels Library.