Welcome to the Entrepreneur Center
Learn to plan, develop, and pitch your ideas!
For More Information & to Schedule a Mentoring Appointment Schedule Through the Entrepreneur Center on Navigate! (under "Student Partnerships Programs") Or contact jamal.bowen@rrcc.edu
Entrepreneurship at Red Rocks supports the growing innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in our surrounding communities. Entrepreneurship at RRCC advances equity and diversity through experiential opportunities, workshops, competitions, and networks.
Resources to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit, encourage your innovation and allow your creativity to flourish.
What the Entrepreneur Center offers:
- Start-Up Community Events
- Community & Market/Industry Resources & Connections
- Events and Workshops to Support Ideal Development
- Small Business Development and Start-Up Certificate
- Small Business Networking Opportunities
Experience innovation and develop your entrepreneurial spirit at Red Rocks Community College! The Entrepreneur Center at RRCC is a business development and project development resource available to students and alumni of the college.
We strive to build skills in the area of entrepreneurship and link students with the community resources that fuel entrepreneurship and business enterprise ownership. The center provides education about entrepreneurship and small business development and coordinates college initiatives and events in order to cultivate a culture that supports innovation, exploration, and idea development. Whether you have a passion or curiosity, want to operate a business, or spread your wings with innovative ideas, the Red Rocks Entrepreneur Center is your starting point to success.
These specialized programs are offered to develop aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to further their success.
Small Business/Entrepreneurship Certificate:
A series of 7 condensed weekend courses that provide students with intensive instruction designed to assist students in starting their own business. Courses are taught by successful business owners from the business community and provide students with a real-world perspective of small business ownership.
Small Business/Entrepreneurship Certificate course series in the RRCC Catalog
BUS1002 Entrepreneurial Operations:
A comprehensive 15-week course that engages students in determining business opportunity, feasibility, and operations required to develop and run a successful business. The course introduces students to the community resources and business networks that will allow them to continue developing their business ideas beyond the classroom doors.
Links to the Community:
RRCC is actively involved with community organizations that support business ownership. Get information about becoming a student member of a local Chamber of Commerce, or seek assistance from organizations in the Denver metro business community who actively support business ownership and development.
The IDEA Lab provides opportunities, resources, and space to work on real-world projects on the RRCC Lakewood campus. Work in teams to create designs or prototypes, or other solutions that create business opportunities.
RRCC's Idea Lab page for current projects & more information
Market Research Resources
The RRCC Library is a good starting point to research market information pertaining to your business or project idea. The expertise of the Librarians at RRCC will provide you with excellent resource links to other libraries in the Denver Metro area.
For questions about the Entrepreneur Center, contact Jamal Bowen at jamal.bowen@rrcc.edu or schedule through Navigate!