Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program is the first semester in the Associates of Applied Science in Emergency Medical Technology degree. It is an entry level class, and no other prior classwork is necessary, although BIO 1006 is a recommended co-requisite if your goal is to complete the degree and obtain paramedic certification. Space is limited each semester, and the classes fill quickly. Registration for the EMT program is through open enrollment and students can enroll by logging into their account in "The Rock" and registering for the appropriate courses.
The Emergency Medical Technician is a healthcare professional in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system whose primary role is to respond to, assess, triage, and treat emergent, urgent, and non-urgent requests for medical care. Utilizing basic knowledge and skills the EMT provides care and medical transportation to or from a healthcare facility while providing treatment while enroute.
Depending on the patient’s needs, and available resources, the EMT may be the highest-level provider involved the pre-hospital care of the patient. In other instances, the EMT may be paired with an Advanced EMT or Paramedic and function as part of a comprehensive EMS team.
EMTs may be employed in the pre-hospital setting, hospitals, or other healthcare facilities. In a community setting an EMT might visit patients at home and make observations that are reported to higher level medical professionals to help manage a patient's overall care.
(adapted from the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, 2009 and 2018)
Upon successful completion of the EMT Program students are eligible to take the National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) EMT examination. After obtaining
- Proof of current AHA BLS Provider certification, or enrollment in a section of HPR 1011 that will complete before the drop date of the semester
- Submission of background check and drug screen through CastleBranch
- Physical exam with proof of vaccinations and a TB test within the last 12 months
- Copy of COVID-19 vaccination card
- Proof of healthcare coverage
The EMT program at Red Rocks is comprised of 6 courses
- EMS 1021
- EMS 1022
- EMS 1023
- EMS 1024
- EMS 1070
- HPR 1011 if needed.
A student must complete all courses to be eligible for certification.
Four sections of the EMT program are offered each spring and fall semester, and one section is offered during the summer semester.
You can refer to the academic calendar for specific dates regarding when registration opens each semester. Registration is open enrollment, and students are admitted to the program on a first-come, first-served basis. Students can enroll by logging into their account on “The Rock” and registering for the appropriate courses. Watch this short video on how to register for classes in Navigate.
REGISTER FOR COURSES EARLY to avoid a situation where a course is cancelled due to low enrollment.
These courses will meet on campus three days per week to accommodate the shortened summer semester. On days you are not in class you may be scheduled for an EMS ride-a-long or hospital clinical rotation. You will work with the EMS Program Specialist to schedule your clinical rotations based on your availability.
Section Days of the Week Class Times Course Dates
Section 01C Monday - Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm 5/27/25 - 8/5/25
Section 03C* Wednesday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm 5/28/25 - 8/1/25
*Section 03C will open if section 01C fills
While designed with ski patrollers in mind so as to accommodate their summer work schedules and the time between those jobs and ski season, this section is open to anyone who wants to register. It will meet all the requirements/objectives of any of our EMT courses, but there will be a deeper dive into environmental emergencies, altitude emergencies, water related emergencies, etc. that people who work in the outdoor setting may be more likely to encounter. Also the skills will involve some evolutions that are more applicable to working on the hill, such as boot removal, dealing with winter clothing, alternative splinting methods, packaging, etc.
The didactic portion of the program will take place online 5/27 – 7/31. This is followed by a two-week skills session that will meet on campus Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 pm on 8/4 – 8/15. The clinical phase of the program will take place in the fall semester with the expectation that students will schedule all their clinical rotations to be completed by mid-September.
Section Content Class Times Course Dates
Section 02C Didactic Material Asynchronous Online 5/27/25 – 7/31/25
Skills Labs (M – F) 8 am – 5 pm 8/4/25 – 8/15/25
Clinical Component Scheduled by student 8/18/25 – 9/30/25
REGISTER FOR COURSES EARLY to avoid a situation where a course is cancelled due to low enrollment.
Section Days of the Week Class Times Course Dates
Section 01C Monday and Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm 8/18/25 - 12/8/25
Section 02C M/W/TH/F 8:00am - 12:00pm 8/18/25 - 12/9/25
Section 03C Tuesday and Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm 8/19/25 - 12/9/25
Section 04C* Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm - 10:00pm 8/19/25 - 12/9/25
*Section 040 is a hybrid course. Because this is a hybrid course there will be a large amount of online work to complete outside of scheduled class meetings.
Be sure to visit the RRCC EMS homepage and review the items that need to be completed before the first day of class. Also be sure to start checking your RRCC student e-mail address periodically starting a few weeks before the course as your instructor may send you important updates.