Automatic payment from checking or savings account (ACH)
Automatic Payment from credit or debit card
Regularly scheduled payments will process on the 5th or 20th of the month
Cost to Participate
$40 nonrefundable enrollment fee per agreement
$30 nonrefundable returned payment fee if a payment is returned
The following payments are processed on the 5th of each month:
Last Day to Enroll Online:Mar 13-Mar 31
Required Down Payment: none Number of Payments: 5 Payment Months: Apr-Aug
Last Day to Enroll Online: Apr 1-Apr 30
Required Down Payment: none Number of Payments: 4 Payment Months: May-Aug
Last Day to Enroll Online: May 1-May 31
Required Down Payment: none Number of Payments: 3 Payment Months: June-Aug
Last Day to Enroll Online: June 1-June 25
Required Down Payment: 50% Number of Payments: 2 Payment Months: July-Aug
The following payments are processed on the 20th of each month:
Last Day to Enroll Online: Mar 13-Mar 15
Required Down Payment: none Number of Payments: 5 Payment Months: Mar-July
Last Day to Enroll Online: Mar 16-Apr 15
Required Down Payment: none Number of Payments: 4 Payment Months: Apr-July
Last Day to Enroll Online: Apr 16-May 15
Required Down Payment: none Number of Payments: 3 Payment Months: May-July
Last Day to Enroll Online: May 16-June 10
Required Down Payment: 50% Number of Payments: 2 Payment Months: June-July
Need accessibility? Contact Accessibility Services at 303-914-6733 or at least one week prior to the event to request disability accommodations.