Branding & Resources

Brand Identity

It is vital to the success of a brand to have a consistent representation on all print and electronic communications. Correct usage of RRCC’s Brand Identity will ensure that the viewer recognizes the materials as coming from RRCC. Maintaining brand consistency is the responsibility of the entire RRCC community.

ALL departments and offices associated with RRCC must follow RRCC’s Brand Identity Standards. Any outside agency producing materials for RRCC programs, departments, or other college entities must also follow these guidelines.

IMPORTANT: All RRCC advertising must be reviewed and approved by Marketing and Communications prior to publication to ensure brand consistency. Materials that are not approved and/or do not meet the college’s Brand Identity Standards will be subject to removal.

Do you have questions about RRCC’s Brand Identity Standards? Contact Marketing and Communications. We’re here to help! | (303) 914-6260

RRCC Brand Identity Standards